The election campaign of the last weeks and months has left the FDP Geneva tracks. The party lost at the end of a national Council seat, and failed in their attack on the left of the Council of States seats miserably. The free Democrat Hugues Hiltpold missed election to the Council of States on Sunday. the Christian Lüscher , Vice-President of the FDP Switzerland, and to the best of the elected national Council, in Geneva, to burst the collar. In an Interview In the morning show in the Western Swiss radio, he called on the Council of state, Pierre Maudet to exit the FDP. Lüscher has identified the 41-Year-old as the main culprit of the free-minded choice misery. Maudet had to admit, among other things, to have a trip in November 2015 after Abu Dhabi lied. The Prosecutor’s office leads a criminal case due to the acceptance of an advantage against the FDP-Council of state.

“The party of the liar”

Christian Lüscher confirmed on Monday on the Radio, what had evoked Hiltpold on Sunday. Hiltpold said, many voters have not indicated that they voted because Maudet for the FDP and, therefore, not for him as a councillor candidate. Lüscher said: “During seven weeks of the election campaign, we are insulted in the markets, and sometimes even physically assaulted. The people have thrown the Flyer in the face and said you would never vote for us, because we are the party of the liar.” So you could go as a party.

“During the seven weeks of the election campaign, we are insulted in the markets, and sometimes even physically attacked.”Christian Lüscher

According to Lüscher, the free sense in light of the poor performance in the national options the Geneva municipal elections, by the coming of spring with some disquiet to the contrary. He fears even the possibility of a “massacre” and calls on Maudet, “finally assume its responsibility and withdraw from love to the FDP”.

Created: 11.11.2019, 18:21 PM