The results of the second Council of States elections in the Canton of Fribourg will not be counted, as requested by the CVP. The Canton has checked after a computer glitch on Sunday, the results once again.

“The results were checked, corrected and validated,” as the head of the Fribourg state Chancellery, Danielle Gagnaux-Morel said on Monday in front of the press. The CVP demanded a recount of the votes is not the law in the Canton of Fribourg. “The results are definitive and will be published on Friday in the official journal”, led Gagnaux-Morel.

result still scarce

In the first ballot on may 20. October none of the candidates reached the necessary number of votes. Therefore, a second ballot was necessary. On Sunday, the SP councillor Christian Levrat managed the re-election with 38 of the’372 votes. The previous CVP-councillor Beat Vonlanthen delivered a head-to-head with the young liberals Johanna Gapany.

And Gapany, the Surprise succeeded, however narrowly. In the control on Monday two Auszählcouverts from Murten came to the fore. They were still included in the calculations. The victory Gapanys, nothing will change, however. It comes in at 31’129 votes. The your losing and not re-elected, Beat Vonlanthen made 30’991 votes. So Gapanys lead over Vonlanthen in Numbers is 138 votes. First of all, the talk had been of a difference of 158 votes. The election on Sunday was marred by a computer glitch.

The CVP in the Canton of Fribourg demanded a recount of the votes. In view of the serious problems during the counting, the question as to the validity of the election, the party wrote on Monday. “We want the state Chancellery,” said Markus Bapst, Co-President of the Freiburg-based CVP, the news Agency Keystone-SDA.

Problem with Submission

for the superintendence of competent oberamt men of the districts of the Saane river, Scythe and sea, could arrange a partial recount, but they are of no Use in it, wrote the state Chancellery to the desire of the CVP. Because the Problem on election day was not in the census, but in the case of the Transmission of the results.

The party Executive of the CVP will advise according to your message from Monday on Thursday on a possible appeal.

women-equalized record

Five months after the woman strike policy have their Offensive on the Council of States – the men continue high castle of Parliament. You will now be taking in the future in the small chamber at least 11 of the 46 seats, which equals the record from 2003.

There is even a new, top-of number in this year of women’s representation in the Council of States possible. At the second ballots of the coming Sundays in German-speaking Switzerland and in Ticino, several candidate still in the race.

Green wave

Seven stands councillors had already been before the last Sunday elected. In addition, it is already clear that a woman will in the future represent the half-Canton of Basel-Landschaft in the Stöckli. The second ballot will take place on 24. November between Daniela Schneeberger (FDP), Maya Graf (Green party) instead.

the count could, too. the amount of Green in the bourgeois-dominated chamber to increase, which has already increased from one to four seats The Green Adèle Thorens Goumaz from the Vaud and Lisa Mazzone from Geneva, joining the two surprise winners from the first ballot, Céline Varra from new castle and Mathias Zopfi from Glarus.

one of the remaining green candidate in the Council of States race, Regula Rytz, in the Canton of Bern. The President of the Green was in the first round in Second behind the Former Hans Stöckli (SP), closely followed by Werner Salzmann of the SVP.

SP losses

Despite the strengthening of the Green group in the Council of States, the left bearing will not be much stronger than in the past. The SP, which was previously twelve seats, has already lost three in new castle, Basel-Landschaft, and Vaud. In Aargau, SP candidate Cédric Wermuth, it has abandoned to defend the of Pascale Bruderer, a vacant seat, and the Green candidate Ruth Müri let go first.

The SP has in the new Council of States, five seats for sure. Three Previous still hope for re-election in the second round: Hans Stöckli in Bern, Paul Rechsteiner, St. Gallen and Roberto Zanetti in Solothurn. In addition, the difference want to change the end of the national Council President Marina Carobbio (SP/TI) in the small chamber.

CVP in first place in the Council of States

The CVP, the Seats 14, the largest representation in the outgoing Council of States, is likely, despite the can’t-hold re-election of Beat Vonlanthen in Freiburg your Position. She is currently one of eleven selected Council of States members. In the cantons of St. Gallen, Ticino, Aargau and Zug, the CVP will be candidates at the second ballot is also given a good chance.

The FDP also, already nine of its twelve seats to Dry. In Zurich, Ruedi is located Noser in a favourable starting position in front of the Green Marionna Schlatter. In Aargau, Thierry Burkart is also on course to Success.

The SVP, by contrast, expresses in the race for councillor seats more effort. The party currently has three elected Ständeräte, compared with five in the previous chamber. The independent Schaffhauser Thomas Minder, has joined the SVP group, was also re-elected.

SVP remains the strongest force

in Spite of their relative weakness in the Council of States, the SVP remains the most important political force in the national Parliament, with a total of 56 elected members (57, including Thomas Minder). It is located in front of the SP (44), the FDP (38), the CVP (36) and the Green (32).

thanks to the Alliance between CVP, BDP and EVP of the future “centre group” grew to 42 seats and space for three. Through the Integration of the two outer Left-representatives of the organic movement increased to 34 members.


Created: 11.11.2019, 17:22 PM