in Mexico and Russia to bolivia yesterday’s events a coup.

the Bolivian president since 2006 the Evo Morales announced yesterday his resignation. Morales was selected for the further period of October lit to bolivia in a week period or over the protests. Sunday in the country, the army intervened and the armed forces commander of Williams Kaliman asking Morales to resign.

the Mexican foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard to keep the situation a coup d’état the army’s share of the because of. Ebrardin that the army violated the Bolivian constitution, putting pressure on Morales to resign. Ebrardin, the country does not accept Bolivia’s military government.

– Yesterday’s events are a step backward for the whole continent. We are very worried, Ebrard said the news agency AP according.

Evo Morales at the press conference 9. November 2019.AFP

on the Same line is also Russian. The country’s foreign ministry on Monday published a statement of the situation to look that, that the country’s government hopes the situation solving dialog allows the destruction was systematic coup.

Morales has told you she is the coup of the victim and that a warrant for his arrest

Also, Spain has expressed its concern about the situation. Foreign minister Josep Borrell according to Bolivia’s risk of a power vacuum Morales the difference after. Borrelia according to Bolivia should arrange new elections as soon as possible.

bolivia’s administrative capital La paz with people waving the country’s flag and gathered to celebrate the country’s long-term president Evo morales’s resignation.EPA / Juan Carlos Torrejon”All messed up”

on Monday and Sunday night between the looting and violence took over the country’s administrative capital of La Paz street. News agencies according to La Paz and several other cities in different criminal gangs are prominent in the streets.

– I’m Afraid of what will happen, everything is a mess in the city. Neighbors are fighting with each other, said 25-year-old secretary Patricia Paredes the news agency Reuters.

News according to the premises of the companies that has been attacked and buildings set on fire. Schools and shops are closed because of the situation and the city’s public transport is paralyzed.

Who is currently in power?

the Army also gave the previous Sunday statement, where it tells the amount of he air and maaoperaatioita, which “neutralized” the illegal armed groups. This can be considered a news agency that as a sign that the army is preparing to take the reins of the country in their hands. This would mean a military coup.

on Sunday often the Morales government and party representatives announced their resignation.

the Country according to the constitution, transfer of powers from the president to the senate president and after the congress, the house of commons to the president. They are both divorced, so the opposition senator Jeanine Añez have announced they will take against the provisional presidential task. It is not yet clear whether Añez job his enough political support (switch to another service), as a divorced president morales’s party is in power the country in the house of representatives and the senate and to the task required for their support, write to the British broadcasting company BBC.

see also :

Mexico offered asylum to bolivia’s outgoing president Evo Morales

the president of Bolivia was forced to bow to the new elections – the protest leader requires Evo morales’s resignation

Bolivian unrest: Part of the police force turned against the president

Sources: Reuters, AFP, AP

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