in Spain, the socialists managed to maintain its position as the largest political party in the country’s early parliament elections. Leadership is increasingly scarce.

the Final results, according to the socialists have the votes to 28%. Support dropped slightly in the April elections and the party lost three seats in the parliament. Now it would be gaining 120 seats. In total, the division in the parliament’s 350 seats.

as the Second largest party continued to another old power party, the conservative PP. It has received less than 21 percent of the vote, which would give the party 88 seats. The party improved its position clearly to the spring elections.

on Sunday the biggest winner, however, was an extreme right-wing Vox, which rises from the parliament’s third largest party. It received the votes of 15 percent and more than doubled the number of seats in their parliament. Party rose for the first time to parliament in the April elections.

the European countries the extreme right leaders hurried to congratulate Voxia. France’s Marine Le Pen described her party’s success impressive. Also the Italian Matteo Salvini agrees with glee.

political turmoil continues

in Spain was held on Sunday early parliamentary elections, as the spring election the winning socialist PSOE was unable to form a government. The prime minister candidate Pedro sanchez’s job doesn’t look any easier.

Analysts Antonio Barroso assesses the AFP news agency that the political turmoil in Spain just drags on.

– the Result will make government formation more difficult further fragmentation and Voxin to rise, the Barroso assess and intimidation even of the new election opportunity. They were already the third election this year.

the Country’s political kuplinta start in 2015, when the leftist Unidas Podemos and the centre-right Ciudadanos rose rocked to the PP and the socialists of the decades long hegemony. Now the situation is further complicated by Voxin rise.

in Sunday’s election and the Unidas Podemos that Ciudadanos suffer defeat. Unidas Podemos fall spring 42 place 35. Ciudadanos collapse of the spring 57 seats to ten.

the day of the Election seemed to have gone peacefully. Unrest feared in Catalonia, where independence movement leaders of the prison sentence opposed to the protests have in recent weeks changed from time to time violent that a riot was. The area all around 8 000 police officers were assigned to secure the election-day passage.

Sources: BTI. Afp

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