Some environmentalists would ban flying altogether. Philipp Hadorn is not one of them. The SP-politician who has missed re-election to the national Council, calls for a “Greening of air transport” – a process that the Federal government should in the future be financially more strongly than up to now, support.

The state money will increasingly flow in the development of electric drives for aircraft or in procedures for low-emission approaches. “In the time of climate emergency” will Hadorn enable people to continue to “international solidarity”, as well as the employees in the aviation industry is a “responsible future”.

Next week, the traffic Commission of the national Council will deal with a relevant proposal of the SP-politician. In the center of that pot of money, in the receipts from the earmarked oil flow tax is, the last 45 to 50 million Swiss francs per year. Between 12.5 and 25 percent of them are, by law, to the Federal available to the environment to co-Finance measures in the aviation industry. This proportion will increase Hadorn on at least 25 percent. In addition, the Federal government is supposed to carry a maximum of 100 percent of the costs, today, there are a maximum of 80 percent.

Only in a year, 10 million Swiss francs

Only one: Between 2011 and 2015, flowed from the said pot and hardly any money. In 2016, a jump of 23 percent, which corresponded well to the 10 million francs was made. Since then, however, it is significantly less: in 2017, there were 6 percent, to 2.8 million Swiss francs last year, with 8 per cent, nearly a Million more. The responsibility for the use of Money is the responsibility of the Federal office for civil aviation (Foca). Promptly, the office sees itself as being subject to reproach, the Greening of air travel to little advance.

The Foca rejects this criticism from the left of the green circles. “We can initialize the submission of projects or influence,” says spokesman Christian Schubert. Many potential applicants were given the existing relatively high environmental standards are hardly willing, on a voluntary basis through the already Demanded to go out.

“Thus, the applicant has continued to make a financial contribution to something that is not required by law”Sonja Zöchling, spokesperson for Zurich airport AG

in other words: There is a lack of applications. This is according to industry representatives, not least because of the environmental projects, as a rule, no additional operation results in economic Benefits for the applicant. And if such should arise, it will cut the Federal contribution accordingly. On this basis, Flughafen Zürich AG has. “Thus, the applicant has continued to make a financial contribution to something that is not required by law,” said spokeswoman Sonja Zöchling.

Federal government should pay more

the airports have been implemented in the past various projects In Zurich-Kloten is about photovoltaic systems and heat pump systems were installed, electrical handling devices purchased instruments for air quality monitoring installed, the Euro airport Basel has bought natural gas-powered airport buses.

His proposal calls for, among other things, that state funds will flow increasingly into the procedures for low-emission approaches: Philipp Hadorn (SP). Photo: Gaetan Bally (Keystone)

The Flughafen Zürich AG concludes that the Federal government needs to contribute less than 30 percent of the cost, although it could take up to 80 percent. Against this Background, the Zurich airport welcomes Hadorns proposal to increase the maximum Federal participation to 100 percent. Spokeswoman Zöchling, but clear: “as A first step it would be already time that the Federal government aligns the currently applicable maximum amounts.”

climate protection versus terror

Hadorns advance will have a hard time – even in the new, greener Parliament, because of the CVP needed for a majority in the national Council, is hardly to be expected Support. The reason for this is Funded by the Federal environmental measures in air traffic, will remain for the other areas, the benefit from the revenue from the earmarked mineral oil tax, less funds left.

“It is Central that Switzerland invests in both areas.”Martin Candinas, CVP-Nationalrat

projects would be Affected to the defense of terrorist attacks and kidnappings, as well as measures that make air traffic safer. “It is Central,” says CVP-Nationalrat Martin Candinas, “that Switzerland invests in two areas, so that our air transport remains safe, and our company on a high technical level of safety operate.” Similar to FDP parliamentarians voicing their opinions.

the SVP will fight the proposal: “It flowed in the past in the environment, because too few projects were submitted,” says the national Council Thomas Hurter. The have very little to do with the available amount of money, but with Innovation. “Unfortunately, the left-wing politicians often forget.”

SP-a politician Hadorn sees it differently. In his view, it needs more money and more commitment by the Foca. The office should be obliged, therefore, by law, is active on the applicant to reach out and “to give impetus,” says Hadorn. “The climate crisis is forcing us to Act.”

read Now: How much it costs the climate change levy really the CO2-levies on airline tickets, heating oil, and gasoline Pollute claims families actually as strong as the SVP of it?

Created: 08.11.2019, 16:18 PM