German southernmost corners of the world, Allgäyn area, has been found in fossilized bones, which can change the human evolution history. The discovery, told science journal Nature (you move to another service).

Hammerschieden mine found about 11.6 million year-old bones, which have been at the time area to live for monkeys.

the Mine find of 21 bone, with the thigh, lower leg, arm, hand and foot bones as well as vertebrae. The bones belonged to the four monkeys for the individual, one of which was a male, two females and one cub.

The monkey species is given a scientific name “Danuvius guggenmosi”.

the Animals were about three feet long, or roughly the current baboons in size. They had long arms like bonobojen, which are considered the people closest relative, told the Smithsonian Institute (switch to another service).

remind people of the structure

researchers puzzled by finding, when they become familiar with the animals of the legs and back structure.

in Animals was elongated and supple lower back. The animal was able to stand straighter position than nykyapinat and its knees and ankles were developed to withstand the weight. This can be concluded, that it is able to walk on two legs, German researchers say.

at the Same time the animal also had strong and long arms as well as feet and toes, which allowed the movement from tree to tree.

researchers have developed discovery on the basis of the theory, according to which the Danuvius guggenmosin movement was a combination from tree to tree jumping and walking on two legs.

Danuvius guggenmosi and its ability to walk on two legs has launched a heated discussion of human development history of the study of paleoantropologien among. Until now, the oldest known two legs in the move monkey species has been Ardipithecus ramidus, who lived in Africa 4.4 million years ago.

If Germany made the discovery of the drawn conclusions are correct, in Europe i.e. two legs in the move monkey species long before human development began in Africa differ from apes in evolution.

Human development is a specific feature of considered just the ability to move on two legs, unlike the apes, which the country moves generally take support all over his knuckles.

Gorilla named Kumbuga playing with a ball at the zoo paigntonin in the Uk.Richard Austin / AOP

What especially complicates things now is that hominini of the definition I just heard the normal ability to walk on two legs. We report a cause of the problem hominini definition, said research leader Tübingen university paleoanthropologist Madelaine Böhme Nature magazine.

the Study is Naturelle checked the Dartmouth College Jeremy DaSilva . According to him, it seems that millions of years ago the big apes, such as gorillas and chimpanzees, have been taught knuckles to rely on to walk independently.

madalena will Böhme remind you that D. guggenmosi i.e. Europe, far away from that region, from pre-humans evolved. People development thought to have occurred specifically in Africa. Before the first human relatives gave birth to their earliest ape species were spread out over a large area of the Mediterranean to the surrounding forests.

in Europe, lived the monkeys disappeared a few million years D. guggenmosin after. This passed again a couple of million years, until the people of the development of the first signs began to emerge in Africa. In the story, so there are still big gaps.

Hasty conclusion?

German research team conclusions D. guggenmosin ability to walk on two legs have provoked criticism in scientific circles.

the nature of the interview with the New York university paleoanthropologist Scott Williams point out that D. guggenmosin the spine are not simply preserved enough, that it can be deduced how long the back of the animal was.

the New York museum of natural history paleoanthropologist Sergio Almécija continues that the bones, the shape of it is difficult to conclude how the monkey was moving.

– Problem is getting worse, when the fossils are broken parts and their shape distorted, he said.

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Süddeutsche Zeitung : Der erste aufrecht gehende Menschenaffe kam aus dem Allgäu (you move to another service) ** **

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