Switzerland will have to increase their efforts for patient safety and quality. This is a new quality report has been prepared on behalf of the Federal office for health (BAG) is shown. Flawed primarily the information and to the error culture.

“We have an equation that needs to be improved – between the use of resources and the quality,” said BAG-Director Pascal Strupler, at the presentation of the report before the media in Bern. Switzerland have a good health system, but also an Expensive one. “It’s a great job waiting on us.”

The statement is based on the report “improvement of the quality and patient safety in the Swiss health care system”, the Anthony Stains, head of patient safety programme in the Canton of Vaud hospital Association, and Charles Vincent, Professor of psychology at the University of Oxford, made up of 18 short reports have been written.

Thus, there are some “disturbing facts” in terms of patient safety and the quality of medical care in Switzerland. So the medication of 22.5 per cent of the over 65-year-old is “potentially inadequate”. Between 8 and 15 percent of patients stay unwanted consequences of drug use and 4 percent of the adult hospital suffer during their Hospital-patients and in -patients it comes to wounds due to a long time Lie (bedsores).

Stains: “We know too little”

The report shows according to the Stains, moreover, that in Switzerland, information regarding the quality of health care and patient safety. So you have want to show some time ago, that patients in Switzerland, in the hospital, less likely to damage than elsewhere.

“Surprisingly, it has not shown the view in the study of a hospital, however, that this is so,” said Stains. Accordingly, 12.3 percent of the patients during their stay in this hospital and must, at least stay a day longer in the hospital.

This statement could not authenticate themselves but for all of the hospitals Generali – and the show in Switzerland, such surveys were missing. “We know much too little about patient safety”. The consequence of this is that you have often no means of comparison.

Lack of error culture

Stains pointed to a further deficiency: “It appears to us that the patient safety and quality, and enjoy the health facilities with the necessary priority,” said Stains in the names of the two authors. According to a cross-sectional survey from the year 2011 in Swiss hospitals, which the report referred to, and planning, 38 percent of hospitals have no strategy for a better error management culture.

This is about the systematic introduction of an error culture. It starts about in order to encourage the staff to talk with patients openly about errors. To injurious events, all stakeholders should also be supported better.

Currently, Finance or construction projects for boards of Directors and the management of health facilities would have a far higher priority than quality and safety. “This must change,” said Stains.

the voice of the patient is heard to

in Addition, make a good framework for quality improvements and innovations need to be created, funding would need to be provided. Also the voices of the patients need to be heard better.

As further measures for a better quality must be motivated to the staff and supports and the coordination of the forces in patient care are improved. Overall, there is a lack of systematics in the implementation of Best Practices. Although no fire was in the roof, but you had to take this long-term, national task immediately, as it will lock Stains.

New quality article comes into force

BAG-Director Strupler pointed out that with the Revision of the health insurance act, adopted by Parliament in June of this year, a new quality article will be introduced. Thus, the Federal government is given the legal Basis and the financial means to strengthen the quality and patient safety.

for example, the insurer and the provider would be required by 2021, along the whole of Switzerland, applicable quality complete contracts. In addition, a Federal, parliamentary quality Commission is to launch in the future quality programs. (anf/sda)

Created: 08.11.2019, 12:29 PM