Water purification equipment manufacturer growth firm clew to seek development plastic debris collection device for the momentum of the issuance of shares.

kokkolalais company opened a share offering on Wednesday, and the purpose is to collect nearly million in additional capital.

the Company produced in Kokkola plastic collection and oil recovery vessels, as well as the snow of the recovery units. Growing company has developed a technology for lakes and marine environmental problems. The company innovation based on the water flow to when it is possible to obtain a small energy at large power activities.

the Company’s founder John grinder on told the bulletin that the million is intended to finance the equipment further development and hire more workers.

the additional money will also allow for debt financing, which would contribute to boost the internationalization support of the negotiations.

the mill on the victory last year in the baltic sea project the grand prize, 70 000 euros, plastic trash collection device to. It can be used to clean up large marine areas, if all proceeds as planned. The first mill on construction equipment oil spill response, but in the wake of the plastic problem, extract and started at the beginning.

At the moment Clewatin equipment is in use on two continents and the internationalization of the proceeds. The production promises still remain in Finland.

– in the Crosshairs is a significant environmental impact and the fact that the year 2022 at the end we have more than 200 units in the world, says Myllykoski.

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