Christian Levrat , bonjour!” Gruyere sing-song in the phone. But the answer comes from the Band. He is not reachable, says the voice of the SP President. He’ll call as soon as possible. He does not, then.

the rest of the SP-top is yesterday Morning, difficult to access. Or conspicuously tight-lipped. The focus of the party deck at the moment on the second ballot, says Co-Secretary General Michael Sorg. At the end of November they wanted to reprocess at a meeting of the elections. Vice-President Barbara Gysi writes: “Christian Levrat does a Superjob. Personnel issues not currently.”

you don’t? This depends very much on whom you ask. Two weeks after the Federal elections it seems that the SP tip, I lost the Power to determine what is in the party and discussed is thought and what not. Behind their hands, SPler calling for since the election on Sunday the resignation of President Christian Levrat, the leader of the party since 2008, and has characterized as no-one in the 21st century. Century.

“I understand the theatre is not quite. I’ve only written, what is all already aware of.” the Jacqueline Fehr , SP-councillor

On the 20. October, however, the SP scored unexpectedly the worst result of all time. 16.8% vote share (minus 2 percentage points), a five-seat loss in the National Council and Council of States. And this during a Linksrutschs. The result: a red Disaster.

On the weekend, is happening now, whatever happens, if the pressure is too big: He escapes. The former national councillor and today’s Zurich councillor Jacqueline Fehr, published in the left-hand Zürcher Zeitung “P. S.” a guest post with the title “growing Together” (we reported). Therein it means: “We need a change at the top. The face of the SP Switzerland has to be in the coming years, female, and young.”

“Every organization needs a certain amount of time fresh forces”: Jacqueline Fehr wants the Wehsel in the SP. Photo: Keystone

There. You said it. The NZZ reported gross, the message circles pulled by the media in Switzerland, through Twitter, in the silent party top. Big Excitement. “I don’t understand the Theater,” says Jacqueline Fehr. “I have only written what all already know: Christian Levrat will attach another term in office.” You have not asked the President to resign or his term in office and his achievements diminish. “It’s just that every organization needs after a certain time fresh forces.”

CVP-President Gerhard Pfister does not accept Fehr the. He is suspected to be a revenge action of the Executive Council, because Levrat prevented you once as a group leader in the Federal house, as he wrote on Twitter. “I have the politically most exciting Job in Switzerland”, says Fehr. “Because I’m supposed to be resentful because of a missed group of the Bureau? Please!”

resignation with stature profit

the editor of “P. S.” is SP-national councillor from Min Li Marti . They also expressed itself in the current edition of the state of the SP, and it has also prompted, at least indirectly, to their President to resign. In order to create after the election defeat of a course correction, need the SP the better solutions and better ideas. “But, of course, the better class of people. To do this, it probably needs new heads, but especially a party – and group management, the diversity of lives and living, and also displays.” This applies regardless of the Person Levrat, says the national Council.

An exchange do one way or the other sense, otherwise, you get into as a party in a rut. She has experience with it. For seven years, Min Li Marti has led the group in the Zurich municipal Council. “And in the seventh year, I had no desire to discussions. “Just do what I say”, I thought at the time. That’s when I knew: I need to stop.” On a national level, have developed in a similar direction.

How to do it differently, how to keep in the resignation of the sovereignty over their own communication – and perhaps even in stature wins, show examples from the recent SP history. After the election defeat in 2007, the party President Hans-Jürg Fehr gave five days time. Then he stepped in front of the media, even before a discussion of its Person was about to begin. After such a significant defeat, said Fehr, it need a strong signal. The former Vice President and current trade Union Confederation President Pierre-Yves Maillard spoke of a “great gesture for the party” and praised Fehrs courage and honesty.

Hans-Jürg Fehr stepped back, before a discussion around his Person could begin Here with his successor in the year 2010. Photo: Peter Klaunzer (Keystone)

Almost twenty years earlier, the long-standing SP-President Helmut Hubacher had to digest a defeat, the elections of 1987, it went well. “It was my good friend Andreas Gerwig, who told me: Now you have to come back,” says Hubacher. This had made him hässig, really angry, but a day later, he knew His friend was right. “If you can not bring yourself into existence, you need friends give a the right Moment with a potato.” So it was definitely him.

What are all these announced, suspected or actual resignations have in common: they took place in a time of upheaval. After the lost election – and before the fierce direction of the fight.

“come over Today, we sometimes dry as dust.”SP-national councillor for Min Li Marti about your party

is Just in this Situation, the current SP. Many officials don’t want a new – and please, female, young – face to the top, but a fundamental renewal of the party: Min Li Marti asks in her Editorial, that the SP “needed to be more open, more agile, better, more interesting”. “Today, we come across sometimes dry as dust.” Other officials demand a new leadership style, a modern, participatory. More momentum, more Fun and more armed (read here what are the women President are currently, as a possible SP in the conversation).

But not only in the Form in the thing, in its political content, the social Democrats new. The deselected national councillor and trade unionist Corrado Pardini approximately criticized last week in an Interview with the “Bund”, the SP have neglected their core issues of social protection and social security.

The Zurich cantonal councillor Jacqueline Fehr, in turn, a new, progressive Charter of your party would like. Only in this way it is possible to continue to maintain the two major tasks of the SP is: to Preserve the social achievements, Fight for progress.

The SP have more than one of them springs a new movement mixes the political Events recorded. The had been in the peace movement, the feminist movement, the ecological. “So far, it has succeeded to the SP each Time, many of these dedicated people as a political home to offer.”

of moral courage

praised: How can this be, is an unanswered question. The direction In which the SP is to develop – to the right, to the left, to the center – is a debate that can only be conducted, when the way to the top is actually free. As long as Levrat not budge, not stir, his potential Successors. This is the reason why the party leadership is silent so loud, the party base audible grumble, and the exponent with ambitions on the Bureau always restless be. The future of the SP can only begin when the present is history.

The Situation is reminiscent of the year 2000, as many were, with the then party President Ursula Koch satisfied. On the Basis of the lack of understanding grew about the problems and the need for reform could not be addressed as long as the chef stopped at the top.

It was a boy Winterthur national councillor, the the pronounced as the First public and the President to resign asked. The national Council was praised afterwards for their “moral courage, honesty, and spontaneity”. Your Name: Jacqueline Fehr.

Created: 05.11.2019, 22:15 PM