Too big and at the same time too small. This is the seemingly contradictory arguments of the opponents of the private design plan for the project Au-Park in Wädenswil. To get large, and especially to the sealing part is in your eyes the residential and commercial part of the project and the School. A perfect compromise is the space for 1500 students, 250 flats, a Park and shops creates, however, say the proponents.

But from the front: as you know, the number of students increases sharply. Therefore, the Canton has launched two new middle schools, one at the right shore of lake Zurich and the one on the left. The Kanti Uetikon is as a temporary structure, with 240 students for over a year in the middle of the village in operation. The definitive school comes directly to the lake, where once the Chemie Uetikon produced.

20-million Deal with Ebner

On the other side of the lake it is not yet so far. The Start of the provisional operation is carried out with 100 students next August in the district of Au between Wädenswil. The Canton has rented a room in a former industrial building on the lake and next to the famous fishing bed factory goods. It is expected that the maximum capacity of 500 students is reached in year 2025.

interim solution for up to 500 students on the mountain. Photo: Michael Trost

The new school-house is further down, at the Seestrasse arise – exactly opposite Uetikon and 250 meters from the S-Bahn station, Au, and from the lake. On the vast terrain of 2000 people once worked for the Telecom industry, today, the Au Center is orphaned quite. The floor of the Intershop AG from Financier Martin Ebner is part of. He sold the 11’000 square meters for 19.8 million Swiss francs to the Canton for the Kanti rooms have a mountain.

Open for General population

it is built for 1000 students, with a Reserve for another 500 students. A 4,000-square-meter Park with a Playground, the auditorium, the canteen and Cafeteria, and two gymnasiums will be opened for the population and the clubs.

Almost empty, where once 2000 people worked: Au-Center in Wädenswil. Photo: Pascal Unternährer

the reference year will be 2028, the same year as the new building in Uetikon. The Canton expects on the basis of forecasts that in the year 2033 900 students visit the Kanti rooms have a mountain. Today, 1600 students from the district of Horgen commute in the middle schools in Zurich, and 40 to Pfäffikon SZ.

client responded to critics

On the Rest of the current commercial space Intershop wants to build apartments, stores to locate, and a Park and a garden set up. For inter-store has been designed in coordination with the Canton and the city of Wädenswil with a design plan. First, it was planned with a maximum height of 30 meters and a Utilization rate of 140 percent. This means that the right is high and densely built.

Because it rained during the edition process, criticism from local residents, a Counter-people’s initiative was threatened, went in circles, even the builders and the town on the books. Now a maximum height of 25 metres is established, where only 23 feet will be exhausted. And the use has been slightly reduced to 133 per cent. In addition, the city overturned an indicative plan of entry, according to which the area should be used for the high-rise zone.

20 million profit by Rezoning

another Deal should appease the opposition. The proportion of affordable housing from the original 12.5 was increased to 20 percent, i.e. about 50 of the 250 apartments. Paid the rent discount with the value-added tax in the amount of 5 million. 25 percent of the calculated 20-million profit due to the Rezoning of the area from an industrial to a mixed zone commercial/. The 50 apartments are to go to a non-profit Housing providers, which may ask for a 100 square meter apartment to a maximum of 2080 CHF per month.

the Right of the school, to the left shops and homes: The Au-Park project. Visualization: PD

the Parliament of The Canton had like 2018 unanimous decision in Principle to build in Wädenswil a middle school. Last July, the Wädenswiler Parliament approved the layout plan with a 21:on 7 votes. However, the Green and the GLP, the authorities referendum taken, which is why the local electorate on 17. November the train is coming.

What happens when a no?

In the referendum campaign to engage the city Council and all the parties apart from the Greens and green liberals for the Au Park. This was a quarter-friendly and bring the Au more value and charisma. The opponents, especially in the neighborhood of the home, stress that they are against the Kanti. However, the project remember the Avenue of the Europe, was “excessive,” the school “puny” and the profit for the inter-shop “max”. Request a redimensionierten design plan.

“Then we start
again at Zero.”Hans Jörg Höhener
Cantonal education Directorate

but What happens in the case of the rejection at the ballot box? “Then we start again at Zero”, says Hans Jörg Höhener, Deputy chief of the cantonal secondary school and vocational bildungsamts. The Treaty of Canton with the inter-shop is obsolete, he says. In other words: Ebner’s company can make the Area what it wants. She is ready to occur again with the Canton in negotiating and designing a new design plan, it’ll take five to ten years for a new project. The Canton could, however, seek a different location. Will Horgen is back in the news, that was until the end of the race? “Horgen is no fallback position”, makes it clear Höhener.

Created: 05.11.2019, 22:48 PM