The car in Switzerland will be digital. Starting in 2022 the vehicle should be able to holder is free to choose whether they want to, as in the past, a motorway sticker or a new electronic Vignette buy. In the latter case, you will need to register via a Web application or an App. Required information: control plate of the car, means of payment and an E-Mail address for the delivery of the purchase receipt. Unchanged is the price: 40 Swiss francs per year in both variants. The revenue – against 400 million Swiss francs per year –should continue to be invested in the construction, operation and maintenance of the national roads.

With this dual strategy, will lead the Federal Council , the highway levy, “gently in the direction of digitalization”. His original proposal for the abolition of the adhesive vignette for the benefit of the E-Vignette was in the process of flunking out of. The “compromise solution” seems to arouse now, but no defensive reflexes more.

at Least the preliminary advice to the transport Commission of the Council of States recommends the submission of the government, unanimously adopting, on Tuesday has informed. It underlines in particular, the “citizen-friendliness”: The E-Vignette is directly coupled to the vehicle number, also you can view in the home and abroad, ordered online, and paid for, and causing, also in the case of car exchange no more effort.


seems to be The approval in the small chamber, so that form of thing. After that, the business comes to the national Council. There, the chances of acceptance are good. Already last spring, the large chamber has approved a Motion that called this double strategy, however, is scarce. The SVP and the major part of the FDP were opposed to it.

According to the national elections, the two parties, but only 82 seats. Add to that, at least in the free sense weighty exponent with the present embodiment, the E-Vignette are in agreement, such as the Aargauer national Council Thierry Burkart: “The proposal of the Federal Council is citizen-friendly.”

the controls should be responsible as in the past, the police and the Federal customs administration. The concept provides for no automated controls on the nation’s roads. In its original proposal, the Federal Council had planned about 50 of such facilities on the national roads. He sees now. Instead, he wants to buy about a dozen mobile control cameras on tripods, which are intended to support the control team on the ongoing course.

Monitoring in the case of more abuse

However, the Automated controls are not off the table. Motorists should use the new System “going solid” is more behind than it is today, by buying a Vignette is not required, must be taken “in spite of the targeted use of automated controls into the eye,” power of the Federal Council in its message clear.

“I don’t want the state to know where and when its citizens are on the move.”Thierry Burkart

“solid” he means a rise in the abuse rate of 5 to about 10 percent. Such an extension would allow the resistance against the E-Vignette probably become stronger again. FDP-politician Burkart does not in any case clear that he would offer a Hand: “I want the state to know where and when its citizens are on the move.”

The popularity is crucial

one way or the other against the E-Vignette is the SVP. National councillor Walter Wobmann warns of a “total surveillance of drivers” and a step towards a road pricing”, the negative decidedly the SVP. The proponents deny that. Nationalrat Martin Candinas (CVP) acknowledges that a time – and location-dependent road pricing with the E-would be to introduce a Vignette easier. “But for a Road or Mobility Pricing it would probably need a separate decision of the Parliament, and probably also of the people.”

Whether the days of the Months are counted depends on their popularity. Their share in the total sales of just 10 million units per year to under 10 percent, so 1 Million drops “should be set to the sales”, as it says in the bill. When, exactly, would decide the Federal Council.

Created: 05.11.2019, 19:49 Uhr