It is remarkable: The reformed Church supports the “ marriage for all” in Switzerland. The Assembly of delegates of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Church Federation is in favour of the proposal of the Council of churches 49:11 votes. And who can in the future get married under civil law, should be able to do in the Church, the churches, the recommendation to the member. This allows for homosexual couples to be married in Church, as soon as the law is adjusted accordingly.

The majority of the Church, Parliament followed the request of the SEC-Council (the Executive) with a 45 to 10 vote, with 4 abstentions. It’s not going to be a decision for the introduction of Church marriage for homosexuals, emphasized the SEC-Council member Sabine Brändlin. This competence lies with the cantonal churches.

The FSPC recommends to the member churches, the any new civil concept of marriage for the Church Wedding to presuppose. The pastors should continue to be able to listen to your Conscience. Freedom of conscience should remain as it is for all other Church acts, of course, respected.

a recommendation to register the Marriage of same-sex couples in the wedding register, and liturgical shape the same as the Marriage of heterosexual couples has been Deleted. A majority considered this recommendation as unnecessary. The document to the “marriage for all” happened in the final vote, finally, with 49 votes to 11.


The vote was preceded by a lively debate. A delegate from Obwalden were in favour of leaving the decision entirely to the parishes. He called for mutual tolerance: A theological minority should not be marginalised. Others warned of a mutual-Destruction and wanted to win time.

supporters of The man does not pick the inside, and advocates, based on earlier Positions taken by the Church’s Parliament, in which his sexual orientation. “We have already said Yes to the equivalence” said a delegate from the North-West of Switzerland. Everything else is discrimination.

The President of the Federation of Swiss Protestant churches, Gottfried Locher, had spoken out in August, significantly for the same-sex marriage – including Marriage. It is the Church stand well, to take the new social consensus, ernst Locher said in an Interview with this editorial.

protest note and counter-Declaration

The marriage was not a question for the Reformed, no Commitment, belong to the basic questions of the faith. Homosexuality, argued Locher, corresponds to the creation of the will of God. However, the reformed cantonal churches were divided on the question. In the Romandie and in the country, many of the Reformed people resisted the new Eheform.

the protest note and counter-Declaration, which were in the last days of the public show. Over two hundred pastors referred to the Opening of a Letter as a “blessing without the blessing of a promise from God” and a “misuse” of the name of God. The answer of about 400 supporters, was followed by the prompt: No human understanding – not theological – should be “the reason for two lovers to deny responsible people the blessing of encouragement”.

For the most of the free churches, homosexuality is a sin, on top of that, a treatable is.

has made the reformed Church of this discussion at all, is to some extent exceptional. Most of the other churches have a hard time with the subject. The Swiss bishops about press an opinion, by declaring only the sacramental marriage for responsible, but not civil marriage. For most churches, homosexuality is a sin, on top of that, a treatable.

Today, the marriage in Switzerland is only open to heterosexual couples. Since 2007, the registered partnership allows same-sex couples, their relationship with mutual Rights and obligations, legal protection, however, with clear Differences to marriage.

At the civil law level, the law Commission of the national Council, had spoken at the end of August for the “marriage for all”. The bill goes back to a parliamentary Initiative of the green liberal. Today, the marriage in Switzerland is only open to heterosexual couples.

The national Council is expected to hold a discussion in the spring session in 2020 on the bill. In the consultation were, with the exception of SVP and EVP on all parties for the introduction of the “marriage for all”. From the national Council’s questions referred to the reproductive medicine have been excluded. You should be left to later.

(With the Material of the SDA)

Created: 05.11.2019, 16:30 PM