it Seems that in Finland Jokerit section at awareness well enough that the team’s underlying KHL-the league is Russia’s foreign policy influence tools – the so-called hockey diplomacy. Thus, the estimated Yle Alexander-director of the institute of Markku fabric brook from the university of Helsinki.

– Such a positive soft influence on Russia, soft power, is of course not prohibited. But it should be aware, the fabric of the creek said.

Yle reported last week how a hockey team Jokerit tangled in the Finnish state’s foreign policy factor in China.

in the Russian KHL league play the Jokers from the Finnish and the Chinese winter sports year of good connections.

winter sports opening ceremony in January this year in the stands sat the president of the republic Sauli niinistö, too witnessing, when Jokerit juniors represented the Finnish hockey.

the Finnish exports promoted Jokerit via therefore, in practice, to a large extent Russian money.

to Yle sources, according to the KHL to was finally given to understand that Jokerit should not be so eager to promote Finnish exports. Currently, the team is no longer involved in the currently ongoing between Finland and China in the winter sports theme of the year.

the Relevant ministries – ministry of education and culture and ministry of employment and economy – are not commented to Yle, why the Jokers were involved in the project.

Read the original story: “it doesn’t make any sense that we’re going to China rocked to” I Saw jokers of the business projects to become a part of Finnish foreign policy”Jokerit role should have been assessed”

Markku fabric of the creek, according to the state and private enterprise cooperation is not in itself unusual.

many of the Companies are playing a significant role in Finland’s export promotion. Fabric brook said, that the jokers of the case is however different, because Jokerit is throughout the events of the time had a KHL-club.

KHL-the active agents should not be the fabric of the creek according to the way the Finnish foreign politiiikkaa of.

winter sports opening ceremony in Beijing in January 2019 participated in several Finnish influencers, including the president of the republic Sauli Niinistö.Ng Han Guan / EPA

according to Him, is to remember, however, that Jokers don’t actually do the Finnish foreign policy. The team’s involvement in itself does not constitute any legal barriers: in sports relations, education or culture is not sanctioned. Case, there is nothing, what would be the Finnish foreign policy decisions or EU decisions.

the fabric of the creek, said that the state leadership is ultimately responsible for what the company can be accessed according to what the delegation. These are political messages.

jokers of the role of the Finnish and Chinese winter sports theme in the part should have been assessed.

– Strictly speaking, this is in principle not a problem. But then it is a different matter, what kind of message you want to give. It should always be consider, the fabric the creek to emphasize.

the question arises, how accurately Jokerit role has been evaluated, when there is a decision that Jokers is going to China.

the Visit was interpreted as strongly in China

the fabric of the creek, according to yle’s case shows well how a small Finnish hockey circles are.

hockey circuit connections of certain political circles are tight. It is certainly the reason why Jokers range company, which was in this, too.

Alone china’s sports minister to visit Jokerit hockey-match heli in February 2016 is the fabric of the creek to be a significant step Jokerit and Chinese cooperation. Jokers of the relationship with China is through develop.

– China like society visit has been interpreted so that the Jokerit’s position in Finland, the expert said.

– in the Next stage the question would have been Finland’s foreign policy leadership, that is the Jokers of the team, which is to be given such a role.

“It would have been a tough bet”

the fabric of the brook adds that it will also consider from another angle: what if Finland would say Jokers not?

according to Him, this could rise up to the scandal, the Beijing from.

– If Finland would be on political grounds banned the Jokers from being involved, it would have been a tough bet. It would have appeared very extraordinary, without any legal grounds.

winter sports theme in the opening ceremony was attended by the president of the republic, but also the then sports minister, Sampo Terho (sin.) both foreign trade and development minister Anne-Mari from Estonia (ecr).Shen Hong / AOP

the fabric brook believes that it may have also happen that the state is not to could no longer intervene: Jokerit cooperation in China was already long.

He noted that the ban was contrary to everything that Finland and all other countries currently strive to do. They all want their share of the Chinese market.

the fabric streams point out, that if Finland would have said no Jokers and China for cooperation between and Jokers thus should be taken according to the winter sport of the year, Finland would be in this case, on its own initiative extended the EU decisions between russia and the west on sanctions. Jokers of the then owners had only the Us sanctions list, not the EU.

Then we would have been at the forefront without making the cooperation more broadly, what is jointly agreed.

Jokerit juniors and Kunlun Red Star juniors skating together Finnish and Chinese winter sports theme in the opening of the show begin in January 2019. The other spectacle was opened to the audience only when the Joker junior and the Kunlun-junior put the hockey stick together.Shen Hong / AOPOlisiko English self-promoted just Jokers?

Markku fabric brook believes that if the matter should be thought out first ministries, before the events are set in motion Jokerit and China, the outcome would probably have been second.

– If the advance should think about how the Finnish sports skills exported to China, so does the ministry, surely the first thing would be a KHL-team in there matches, fabric streams to consider.

Read next:

“it doesn’t make any sense, that we’re going to China rocked to” I Saw jokers of the business projects to become a part of the Finnish foreign policy

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