“”I am a moving spirit, I move quickly to meet almost weightless and I hardly. Because I’m never there, where you believed me.” So The American dream “starts”. “Robinson’s blue house,” begins this way: “In an earlier, more distant Version of this story, Daniel Defoe says that he had a lived the most incredible and adventurous life.” I say: me, too.” This light footed scarcity, power mixed with poetic precision and often cracked a joke to the irresistibility of Ernst Augustins from Tell, in the “the ugly main of probability” has no Chance to rise.
Augustin was born in 1927 in the Silesian town of Hirschberg, he grew up in Schwerin, studied in Rostock and East Berlin, medicine. He was a specialist in psychiatry and neurology. Then he directed between 1958 and 1961 an American desert hospital in Afghanistan and finally landed in Munich. There he lived in a house that resembles a walk-in fantasy of this passionate architect surrealist novel structure.
Twelve of the most complex narrative worlds that are best described in his words created: “dreams. Encrypted messages, bread trees, which form the entrance gates, hanging down the water veil, as it were – how long has it been – devised.” But it also told are really the adventures of Childhood, as well as the longing for the South seas, distance, include, to seething metropolises, such as the towers in New York, or the quirky London rich, the Unlikely love to forget.
The cunning Giggle
those Who experienced Augustin, this tall, elegant man with silver mane and in the middle of the Tell erupting cunning Giggle, will never forget him. If he carried through his maze house from the sparkling disco basement for the Salsa Fan to the hidden roof terrace, then that was the way through a flashing lightning Revue-end Equipment, as only he could tell and also from the Moment stage.
lately, the fate hit him hard: His wife, the artist Inge Augustin, has the house painted and the title pictures for the factory edition, C. H. Beck, created, died. He was separated in 2009 for the Operation of a benign tumor of the optic nerve by, he went blind. On Sunday of this master surrealist narrative magic a few days after his 92. Birthday in Munich died.
Created: 05.11.2019, 15:55 PM