Kenneth Clarke had been no longer life so held many important positions in his long career, the last on Monday – career-wise – is the weight: He has been Minister of Finance and Minister of the interior, health, justice and education Minister. Member of Parliament since 1970, so for half a century, most recently, “the father of the house”, the longest-serving member of the lower house, and a kind of class speaker for the 650 colleagues.

Clarke would even, almost, the Prime Minister, in the summer of this year, when it briefly looked like this, as could the opposition parties in the fight against Boris Johnson and together a transitional Prime set up. Three times he had taken in the course of his long life in vain in the so-called Leadership Challenge part unsuccessful.

Before Bercow, was still a farewell speech

Ken Clarke, and is a legend, the iconographic Image of the British as the world imagines: drinking, self-deprecating, caustic, direct, liberal. And yet, he is 79 years of age, if the Parliament dissolves on Tuesday for the election campaign, not as a member of the conservative group in the rest service status – after all the years of the party, at the Parliament of the Kingdom. Premier Johnson had let him in September from the group of throw, since then, he sits as an independent in the lower house. Some colleagues who had been fired with him, have again been included in the group. Clarke is not.

In the last question time of the Prime Minister, in which he took part, he the Boris Johnson of his last question with the usual ferocity: of How the free trade agreement should look like, the to negotiate but sure years was going to take? And whether or not the conclusion will be that Johnson would never get such a good Deal, as it will offer the membership in the EU? In the question of the two communities were in a majority. As Johnson claims, negotiations on stage two of the Brexits, a future trade agreement would be completed by the end of 2020. And his new Deal will be better than what you have to offer the EU. A typical Clarke that was deceitful, critical, ironic. While Johnson replied, no longer listened to Clarke certainly; he spoke with Johnson’s predecessor, Theresa May. It is the speaker of Parliament, John Bercow, who kept after this little interlude the farewell speech for Clarke to take. He was a “big man”.

the irony of fate, that now, on the penultimate day of a, his Era, Clarke is sitting there, where until last Thursday John Bercow had been sitting. Clarke leads a vote that is likely to be about his Era is also of importance. Because Bercow was, he had announced in the summer, at 31. October resigned.

Best opportunities on the office of the Labour man Lindsay Hoyle has apparently. Image: Keystone

Now the team needs to house a new Manager/Chairman/President – the Post is far more than a Sprecheramt. The lower house is to so choose, shortly before its dissolution, and the official start of the election campaign, a successor or a successor. Seven members signed up for lunch with their candidacy; in the afternoon – after seven short application talk – to fall short of the parliamentarians to the election.

The candidates, four from Labour, three from the Conservatives, had hinted in the run-up to what she wanted to do everything differently than Bercow, who defended the rights of Parliament against the government with teeth and Claws – and Downing Street on a regular basis to know the gluten-driven. The best chances of the moderate Labour man Lindsay Hoyle who wants to start a campaign for a civilised tone in the lower house seems to have. Hoyle also has the support of many Tories, the hope of a new speaker that will make you in Brexit-less Trouble than the self-conscious Bercow.

Not only the departures of Clarke and Bercow to mark a turning point in a Parliament, which in the past years, and the Brexit rank. More than 50 members will no longer occur, many of which are actually too young to finish their careers on a voluntary basis. But the hate mail, the threats of death, the fear of Attacks and bombings have not given, especially of female members the feeling that they have to endure their lives as members of simply. Most recently, it had been, to General Surprise, the culture Minister, Nicky Morgan, 46, that their withdrawal was announced. The permanent climate of fear in which they live and work, have a negative impact on their family, she said, noticeably shaken.

The options could be the house of two Brexit fractions

bring an Involuntary farewell many liberal Tories and Ex-Tories, with their EU-friendly attitude are likely to have to take any Chance of re-election in a party and an environment that is increasingly dominated by hard-liners. Among the approximately 40,000 new entrants, which could be on the Conservative party in the past few months, seem to be especially Brexiteers, who wanted to force a hard Brexit. The renowned opinion research Institute YouGov had the phenomenon of “Entryism” (which means, specifically in a party to enter, in order to determine your course on a specific topic) studied and found that a disproportionately high number of Tories had become since 2017 members to vote for Boris Johnson and in order for a hard-Brexit-line. Many constituencies now send especially EU-critical Tory candidate in the race.

And then there’s the Brexit-party of Nigel Farage. Had not announced on Sunday, to stand for the house of Commons, but in all constituencies of their own candidates, to campaign for a “real Brexit”. Frustrated Leaver could bring to the house, so two Leaving groups. Questionable is only the hardliners are mutually competing.

Created: 04.11.2019, 16:28 PM