woman Rytz, you have called for today, at the Assembly of delegates, a new magic formula for the Federal Council. How should this look like? We propose that the two Polparteien SVP and SP get two seats each and in between each one.

What to keep for “in-between” about it? We are currently in discussions and will communicate when we have something to communicate.

How do you want to convince the liberals of a seat in the government? it takes enormous pressure from the outside, it is also a Signal of the other parties needs. These elections have made a centre-Right Parliament, a centre-left Parliament. And this must be reflected in the Bundesrat. The more the parties understand the need to make a seat, the greater the pressure on the party that is übervertreten: the FDP is.

you already Have a suitable candidate in view? Many! We are already in many of the cantons in the Executive present – in contrast to the green liberals.

you Have a schedule? Definitely, we can only decide if the various Council of States elections are over. Only then will we know how strong we actually are in the Parliament. From the beginning we have said that it is likely to be very difficult, already at the 11. December to choose a Green Federal Council – there is no vacancy, someone would have to make a seat. I’ve been saying for a long time that the tactical Exchange of Federal councils during a legislature – must stop as is the case with the retirements of Doris Leuthard and Johann Schneider-Ammann is finally. In order to take the people with the last opportunity to take your ballot paper to influence the composition of the government.

How do you want the Federal councils, prescribe the time of your resignation? This can be done on an informal level or by law. Of course, If someone is sick, then he is allowed to withdraw at any time. But otherwise, it must be so in the future, that Federal councillors, who are elected for four years, actually four years to remain in office.

you now play in a League with the CVP and the FDP have said during the delegates ‘ Assembly. The two national parties. The Greens have today is more of a movement character – how to develop the party now? We are a people’s party – just a moving character. We are represented in many of the cantons, in all regions and in a completely different life-worlds language. From the city, from the country, an enormous width. It makes us long for the people’s party.

Created: 02.11.2019, 14:29 PM