Janne Kilpinen had dreamed for a long time flying to Vancouver to visit family, and the beginning of the year he finally carried out his plan. Mobile climate emissions offset left, eventually moving the idea that everyone should pay flying duty.

I’m Looking for the compensation opportunities for emissions and found something, but it was very unsatisfactory. Those that these emissions are offset, on flying anyway less than the other, and I don’t think that it is very successful, Kilpinen time thoughts.

Janne Kilpinen, initiated by citizens ‘ initiative, the flight tax is dealt with in parliament.Kristiina Lehto / Yle

He ended up put to flight the tax required for a citizens ‘ initiative, which achieved the required 50 000 signature threshold Thursday night. The initiative then proceeds to the parliament for processing.

Kilpinen, Finnish are best able to influence the Finnish emissions.

the Other point not very far away. The parliament has made ambitious emission reduction targets, but the means by which to achieve them, are not clearer. This would be a tangible way, which can be to start.

Passenger: “Flying is too cheap”

Helsinki-Vantaa, the idea of at least not outright knock – on the contrary. London going been Oona Salonen said he was going to fly too much and flying was too cheap.

I haven’t yet actually paid the compensation. The flight tax would be better, because then the responsibility would be shared evenly to all and not only to their own consciences.

agree there is an Excessive challenge by Vesa Sorjonen :

Just the other night I was thinking, that yes, some kind of small tax certainly should be in place. Air transport is one of the biggest climate kuormittaja, the Sorjonen said the Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

the citizens ‘ initiative at a flight rate of tax as presented in the three to thirty euros. Salonen would be willing to pay more.

Now return to London was 160 euros, so yes it could be two hundred or it classes, he pondered.

– Depends on of course how far we are going. If close, then smaller. If we’re going on vacation while in Bali, so the bigger, counting in turn Sorjonen.

Joonas Jacket instead, keep the air tax too as a single measure. According to him, climate change should think more broadly.

that resolves air a tax problem then, especially if we do it alone?

air tax support was also every Friday in climate protests in the parliament house. The picture in this day.Kristiina Lehto / YleEmeritusprofessori believes the initiative opportunities

a Similar air tax is already in use in Sweden, Britain, France and Germany.

currently, aviation fuel is not paying taxes at all. Value added tax in Finland levied only on domestic flight tickets.

– Flying has got to be a tax break for 20 years, and now, when the flying amount and the increase in carbon emissions tilaneteessa, where they should decrease, such a tax break is the worst possible idea, Janne Kilpinen download.

a Tax-law professor emeritus in the Jon castle fabric thinks flying is clearly aliverotettua, if compared to other modes of transport.

He has studied the flight tax effects and legal opportunities. The castle of the fabric by up to eur 30 surcharge airfare is too little, so that it would reduce flying significantly.

the most Effective would be, according to him, fuel-related taxes, but international agreements prevent them at the moment.

– This [flight tax] is actually almost the only possibility. All other options associated with so many obstacles. It is essential to obtain such a system created and level to gradually raise and spread this widely to the world, the castle fabric said.

European union-wide aviation tax would require the castle of the fabric according to member states ‘ unanimous decision, which achievement he considers it unlikely. In finland, however, he believes the citizens ‘ initiative opportunities.

– This is time to the way political support actually kaikissakin parties. Parties have differences, but I believe yes to this opportunity.

the Greens and the left alliance are in favour

the government programme says that Finland supports the emissions trading be extended to all air traffic on the climate affecting emissions and alternatively can be used to determine an aircraft fuel tax or an payment the introduction of EU-wide or globally.

the Parliamentary group, only the greens and the left alliance are in favour of the Finnish air tax. The green parliamentary group chairman of the Emma Karin thinks it’s weird that the train ride to Lapland have currently pay more tax than fly to South America.

– I think the domestic flight tax is a first step towards international, for example, EU-wide aviation tax system, not the international flight tax exclusion issue, Kari says to Yle.

the left alliance parliamentary group chairman of the Paavo Arhinmäki according to the flight tax can be diverted to climate change costs, especially for high incomes, a lot of flying and to encourage the logistics of low emission most modes of transport.

– most of the Finnish air travel is leisure travel, and in principle, anyone human and fundamental rights have not caught up ticket prices.

“Finland should influence international agreements”

the Other parties criticized the particular flight tax territoriality. Taxes are opposed to parliamentary factions consider, for example, global emissions trading, and technology development to support more effective way as the flight tax.

– I Believe that it [the initiative] will get in the parliament time for reflection and discussion, but the primary goal should be precisely that Finland will contribute to international agreements, said the christian democrats, the parliamentary group chairman of the rush limbaugh .

Finnair increased Asian traffic has increased airline emissions significantly. The true finns parliamentary group chairman of the Ville Tavion according to the unreasonable climate objectives hamper I Finnish companies ‘ competitiveness.

according to him, the Helsinki-Vantaa good development should not be prevented.

– flight tax is to reduce emissions as ineffective, unless it is to reduce air travel. This means that the air tax should be quite high and reduce the airlines such as Finnair footfall.

the true finns, according to the carbon dioxide emissions should be reduced where they are for the most part is done, like in China.

Also Janne Kilpinen does not believe the mere flight tax enough, although the kind of citizens ‘ initiative, the result will be.

– it would be tempting to think that Finland is a sparsely populated small country, with the emissions does not matter, but it is not true. Finnish is a really big carbon emissions globally per capita. We will reduce emissions from heating, electricity production, road transport, ship transport, air transport and industry.

Read next:

in a Dramatic final sprint: the citizens ‘ initiative air tax exceeded the required 50 000 signatures – advancing parliamentary reading

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