Left-wing activists have occupied on the afternoon of Thursday the Juch-grounds on the edge of Altstetten. On the currently unused Area you want to create a meeting zone for all, how to say it in a message. The action is directed against the Disappearance of open spaces in the city of Zurich and against the Federal asylum centre in the bun because street in Zurich West.

This operation with 150 asylum seekers will be opened today Friday. It is intended to make the Asylum system more efficient. The Juch-occupiers speak of a “discriminatory asylum regime”. This spring they had occupied in Protest for a weekend of the opposite pfingsweid Park.

AOZ: investigations run

The asylum-organisation Zürich (AOZ) tolerated the occupation of the site until Further notice, as she writes on Thursday night in a message. The AOZ, the former guest worker settlement used during decades for the accommodation of asylum applicants. The site in Altstetten is renting the AOZ of the city of Zurich.

Since 2014, and until a few weeks ago, the asylum organization operating on behalf of the Federal government’s accommodation for the test mode for accelerated asylum procedures. So far in the Juch-barracks housed asylum quartered are looking for since the beginning of September in the Federal asylum centre in Embrach.

About the further course of action to inform “in the next few days,” wrote the AOZ yesterday. We are currently in the process to make the necessary investigations, supplemented Heike Isselhorst, the communication Director of the responsible social Department, today is Friday.

FDP calls for clearance

to clear The FDP of the city of Zurich calls on the city Council today, the Area immediately. The party writes in a statement. You have no understanding of the fact that the city of Zurich, this was not done yesterday.

It could not be the case that the circuit 9 will be charged in addition to the cooking Area with other occupied Area. The FDP also criticized the attitude of the urban financial officer Daniel Leupi. As an owner representative, he would have had to have yesterday submitted a criminal complaint, write to the free-minded and ask him / her to do this. (hwe/bat)

Created: 31.10.2019, 18:03 PM