The two-week paternity comes, in all likelihood, not in front of people. And this despite the fact that SVP party President Albert Rösti the employers ‘ Association and the Swiss trade Association, submitted a new offer, how the Referendum was run.

This newspaper are two letters, the hash Browns trade Association Chairman Jean-François Rime and employers President Valentin Vogt sent, with the date of 28. October. Thus, the spring should be a guide for the Referendum to be equivalent to the employers ‘ Association, the trade Association and the SVP . “This is in contrast to the previous discussions, in which the SVP is only as supporters considered had,” writes the hash Browns. You need a Co-leadership with the two weighty associations, argues the SVP-President in the letter further, it is here, but their “core concerns, namely wage costs, and wage deductions to keep deep”.

a Total of paternity leave, causing the Swiss company and tax payers annually over 1.1 billion Swiss francs of direct and indirect costs. While it could afford to pay for large companies, a paternity leave of two weeks and more to offer, this is for smaller companies, a Zwängerei. “The industry will have to contend with administrative and human problems”, advertises Rösti for the joint Taking of the referendum.

the Referendum was “no chance”

hash Browns is able to justify his Letter to the two associations, the current application of the Zurich SVP of the party Executive Board: The Executive Board is to decide this Friday to take the Referendum together with the employers ‘ and the trade Association. Two associations, the SVP acknowledges, therefore, a short response time. You need the written feedback already to Thursday, since it will serve as the basis for the decision to launch the referendum. The referendum period is over already.

On request of this newspaper, both associations of the SVP, however, a basket. The Referendum had no chance, says trade Association President Rime on the phone. A request from within its own ranks, to take the Referendum, had been rejected by the trade Association last week. The trade Association will give the SVP a negative reply, so Rime.

A rejection also comes from Roland A. Müller, Director of the employers ‘ Association. The Executive Committee have decided to waive both the stand-alone Take of a referendum as well as on the support. 10. In October they had obtained a telephone conference, the opinion of the members of the Committee. The prospects of success of a referendum had been classified as low.

Rösti is disappointed

The Swiss employers ‘ Association, the legal normalization of paternity leave continue to reject, in all clarity, says Müller. The employers ‘ Association will fight a further Expansion of paid absence times continue to clear. These included demands for parents and care holidays, or an extension of continued payment of wages obligation of the employer for the care of sick family members.

SVP-President Rösti is shown by the answers disappointed. He had hoped that the associations would actively help to combat the social development now, and not only for further Expansion of your choice. Whether the SVP will take the Referendum alone, decisions of the Board of Directors on Friday. He, personally, am of the view that a Referendum would make without the help of the people directly concerned – the employer and the sector – no sense. Thus, the Referendum is off the table.

Created: 29.10.2019, 20:21 PM