It is a ghostly sight that immediately before the commencement of this hearing in the U.S. Senate. More than a dozen people in the second row of the Audience to hold large-scale photos in the level, they show the faces of women and men, adults and children. Most of the people that you see on the pictures, to laugh or smile at least, so you should remain to posterity in memory. Because none of them is still alive.

The man who is for her death at least partly responsible, sitting directly in front of the photo gallery. Can’t see Dennis Muilenburg, the viewers, have lost in the crash of two Boeing 737 MAX brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, women and men – and only pictures remained.

But perhaps the Boeing in-chief of the eyes in the nape of the neck feel, because to right at the beginning of the meeting, he directly to the family: “In my own behalf and on behalf of the company I would like to say to you: we are very sorry. I’m a father myself and inconsolable.” It is the first Time that Muilenburg gives unambiguous fault of the company in connection with the two accidents.

MCAS plays a decisive role

Exactly a year ago, a machine of the Indonesian airline Lion Air was shortly after the launch in Jakarta, into the sea plunged. Four months later, a Ethiopian-Airlines-plane of the same type accident, under similar circumstances, after the launch in Addis Ababa. In both cases, the control software Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) played the Central role. MCAS is not pressed, the aircraft nose because of a broken sensor to the bottom, on both occasions he managed the pilot to retain control. A total of 346 people were killed in the crash were killed.

A ghostly sight: relatives hold portraits of the fatally injured passengers high. (AP/Keystone/Andrew Harnik/29. December 2019)

Muilenburg emphasized in the hearing, Boeing’ve learned “from accidents”, and will draw consequences, “in order to make our aircraft more secure”. He have great confidence in the changes made in case of MCAS. The System could now only be triggered once, the pilot could compensate for the forces, with the control pulses. MCAS use also in the future, the data of two instead of a single sensor.

The reputation of Boeing

connecting to the Same two days in a row Muilenburg must be the senators to answer. For him, it’s about a lot: He needs to restore the reputation of the group, the worldwide ban on flights for the 737 MAX to overcome and do his Job to save. In comparison to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who had been taken before the days of deputies of the house of representatives literally in the lack of, has Muilenburg even happiness, because in the Senate is traditionally a little less rude with preloaded managers.

many senators are upset with Boeing, and the first, very hesitant reappraisal of the crashes, however. “Both accidents were completely avoidable,” says the Chairman of the transport Committee, Roger Wicker, at the beginning of the hearing, and his colleague, Maria Cantwell warns of the costs of the fight between Boeing and its European rival Airbus should not “be to a competition, is less and less security”.

one of the few speakers that will be louder, belongs to Senator Richard Blumenthal. He criticized Muilenburg sharp that Boeing had initially made for the pilots of the ill-machines for the crashes responsible. In this case, these pilots never had a Chance, because Boeing have concealed the existence of MCAS. Blumenthal: “they were caught up in flying coffins.”

Created: 29.10.2019, 21:14 Uhr