Recent evaluation study shows that in Finland observed the pupils knowledge the fall has stopped. Also pupils ‘ skills support attitudes were confirmed and the mind weakened.

but there is a Difference so girls and boys, as well as Finland’s different regions.

Nationwide ninth-graders learning to learn electronic evaluation was carried out in the spring of 2017 and it was attended by about 7 800 girls and boys in the 83rd school.

In 2017 evaluation study to measure the learning status for the third time. It was abused to the same school sample as in the previous evaluations in 2001 and 2012. Seven years ago was found in attitudes developed in a negative direction.

scientists stunned the 2012 skills and attitudes that support learning level as well as learning competitive attitudes level rise.

in finland, the observed learning outcomes decline is seen in several other developed countries. Now that fall seems to have stopped, but we are still lagging behind in 2001 measurement level.

Freshmen students Riihikallion school in tuusula in English without textbooks. Jari Kovalainen / YleOsaamista was measured in three areas

Pupils ‘ learning was measured in three areas: literacy, reasoning skills and mathematical reasoning. Previous research once the way the girls performed better than boys in all skills areas.

girls päättöarv part you were also in all subjects boys grades better. Primary school leavers girls ‘ scholar, the mean values of (8,1) were higher than the boys (7,6).

the girls also believed the boy more strongly to their own competencies. The boys had the girls more learn of hampering beliefs.

the Parents ‘ education affected the study according to children’s school success. Especially the mother’s highest level of education affects children’s school success. Children’s knowledge was the better, the longer the mother was educated.

the part where the marshes was also observed regional differences. Knowledge was most often the best in the South and south-west Finland and weakest in Eastern Finland, Lapland, and elsewhere in Northern Finland.

Feedback affects learning

the Research also includes adaptation of the assessment task experiment, which assessed the pupils ‘ task engagement relevance and testing development.

for Example, to receive feedback was observed to motivate the students to better respond to the test questions.

at the university of Helsinki Education assessment center HEA is examined to learn learning already in 1996. Learn learning summed up the individual skills and the ability to use prior learning to new tasks solving and new learning.

It refers to different subjects developing general thinking skills, as well as its use in guiding attitudes and beliefs.

the Entire study is available on the Helsinki university website from the link below:

Nationwide evaluation study of elementary school reason (to switch to another service)

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