Now, it has caught Georg Dornauer. The chief of the Tyrol’s social Democrats (SPÖ) is the latest victim of a currently very popular attack strategy in technical language as a “Performative ad Hominem” is called.

A Blogger has him condemned recently, because of the prominent left-wing politicians drives a Porsche Macan. This is a SUV, there is 60’000 Swiss francs upwards (as new). For social justice and to splurge at the same time with a prestige car, seem implausible. Dornauer countered: What kind of car he was going to go to anyone.

The strategy is to from theme

Controversial to this pattern to distract currently running without interruption. Almost daily air strike is students, or green-coloured politicians accused of that, you have yourself a mobile phone in the holiday fly or eat meat. Generally, the greens and the Left seem to have with their consideration based positions more prone to be in such a “preach water, but drink wine”attacks. This can also rights, such as migration, enemy SVPler, the employ of a foreign woman to marry, or Sans-Papiers cleaning staff. Most of the accusations from the political side. Purists in our own ranks and also with the inconsistency of the stick. Survey

What model have to be politicians?

you must yourself live, what they propagate.
A certain degree is important. But we all live with contradictions.
I don’t care. Which can be, in spite of contradictions, a good politician.

you must live, what they propagate.


A certain degree is important. But we all live with contradictions.


I don’t care. Which can be, in spite of contradictions, a good politician.


2108 votes

you must live, what they propagate.


A certain degree is important. But we all live with contradictions.


I don’t care. Which can be, in spite of contradictions, a good politician.


2108 votes

that should not actually hurt. In the case of the “You too”-complaint is a bogus argument. It does not deal with the thing, but rather to the people. There is no relationship between the two. Whether a statement is true does not depend on who wrote it. Also a chain, say a smoker can smoke can damage the lungs. His Addiction diminishes the veracity of the rate by a Millimeter. The same applies to the environmental debate. That flying is detrimental to the climate, is difficult to refute. Nothing will change, if someone says that the traveling in the world.

Ad-Hominem attacks are mainly a distraction. You do not talk about the Problem, such as the flight frequency would decrease. Instead, you complained about the “hypocritical moralism” of the climate young people. You are not talking about redistribution issues, but denounces the lifestyle of “Champagne socialists”. Many politicians mind. You will find: How we live, is a private matter. Solely the result of our work.

It was an Occasion. After all,

in fact, it makes no big difference, whether frequent-flyer demand, or non-pilots, a restriction of flying. It is crucial that you find a majority, and the concern is implemented. A politician, with disastrous LCA can contribute more for the climate than someone who has the CO2 footprint of a primitive man, but little else does. For a higher minimum wage, people will be able to fight, which the SUV belongs to.

The Ad-Hominem feint is easy to see through. Nevertheless, she pulls again and again. Apparently, many people expect politicians to take as a role model. To a certain degree of coherence between statements and actions heard. Consistent people seem to be more credible, of them it is easier to convince – even if their consistency contributes nothing to the point.

The suspect is also the SPÖ-man Dornauer. For the defence, he added: The Porsche he had bought second-Hand.

Created: 15.10.2019, 21:34 PM