the banking group nordea’s operating profit weighed in the third quarter to a loss of 421 million euros. A year ago the company recorded in the corresponding period operating profit of 917 million euros.

according to the Company’s third-quarter operating result includes eur 1.3 billion excluding non-recurring items that weaken the results significantly. These lots include 735 million in impairment charges information technology related intangible items.

in Addition to time installments is involved, inter alia, 282 million in additional provisions for loan losses and luminor’s sales related to the 75 million consumers.

Nordea warned results for its weakening Thursday morning, a little before the interim report was published.

group leader Frank Vang-Jensen told the interim report in connection with that Nordea has prepared a new business plan, which aims to consolidated the financial results of the strengthening.

– a New plan to improve nordea’s operating results significantly when we add the customer focus and improve our operations and reduce our expenses and increase our income. We expect expenses to remain in 2020 under the € 4.7 billion and decline after that still, Vang-Jensen said in the announcement (switch to another service).

the Company is expecting that the new business plan led to personnel reductions and related severance package in. Therefore, third quarter results were also made 204 million restructuring charge.

nordea the aim is that it will pay this year’s dividend of eur 0.40 per share.

the Company told at the same time also the new goals. For example, the dividend is going to be according to the company, pay next year forward 60 to 70-percent profit.

– we continually Assess opportunities to use share buybacks as a way to distribute excess capital to shareholders, the group leader continued.

Sampo: nordea’s new line of benefit

One of nordea’s owners, financial group Sampo share in the summer of Nordea’s shares as an additional dividend. Sampo still owns Nordea nearly 20 percent and tell the statement (switch to another service)Nordea reported by the dividend policy change to strengthen Sampo’s own line.

its Own its dividend on an Sampo no longer seek to grow each year. The company will notify the same in the bulletin, you see the dividend increase of the company’s or shareholders ‘ interests, while government debt interest rates are expected to remain still for a long time negative.

the Generous dividend paid by the well-known Sampo had time before the line change will be to increase its dividend on an 10 years in a row.

see also:

Nordea found the owner to be the new group leader – Frank Vang-Jensen to start the task today

nordea’s operating profit for the dwindling third – most generous dividend distribution line may change

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