In the cantons of Zurich, Bern, and Schaffhausen have carried out in Swiss law-enforcement authorities and the youth advocacy Winterthur and Bern on Tuesday the same time as eleven house searches in the course of terrorist investigations.

In use were around a hundred officials of Fedpol and cantonal police of Berne, Zurich and Schaffhausen. According to the communication from the office of the attorney General, the house held searches in the framework of criminal proceedings against a total of eleven Accused. The office of the attorney General spoke of a “coordinated Operation” against Terror.

Six adults Accused

The Federal Prosecutor performs, in this context, six criminal proceedings against the six adult Accused on suspicion of violation of article 2 of the Federal act on the prohibition of the groups al-Qaeda and the Islamic state and related organizations (IS-act), as well as suspicion of support for or participation in a criminal organization.

In one of the six adults accused is in Switzerland, due to violation of the IS-law convicted of returnees. The Federal Prosecutor wants to apply for him and an additional accused in custody to the competent compulsory measures court. Until the final decision of the court, the two accused will remain under the notice in detention.

Five minors Accused

For the prosecution of the accused is a minor, the youth advocates are responsible. The cantonal youth advocacy Bern has, as you said, a criminal investigation on suspicion of breach of the IC act against a minor accused opened.

The youth advocacy Winterthur has opened against four minors Accused of criminal investigations, to see how your message from Tuesday. Here, too, is determined on suspicion of breach of the IC act. The four accused are between 15 and 17 years old. In all cases, the presumption of innocence applies.


as recently as last Friday, the Federal government had filed a bar in connection with the IS-terrorist militia against a Swiss-Italian dual citizen domiciled in Winterthur and a Swiss-Macedonian dual citizens residing in Frauenfeld indictment, the Federal criminal court.

The two men are mainly accused of support or involvement in the criminal organization “Islamic state” (IS). Both the office of the attorney General to have people motivated IS to join in.


Created: 29.10.2019, 11:37 PM