the aquarium house maretarium the eel shrugged the world in September, when it fell mätimunansa pool in Kotka. It produced the first eel in Europe rare eel eggs without hormone treatment.

the researchers have considered this impossible.

in the wild in all of Europe and North Africa eels spawn in the Mid-Atlantic sargasso sea. The ordinary eel farming conditions in the egg stage of the calculation obtained at the time of hormone treatments.

the Dutch Wageningen university research Arjan palst in and his colleagues, as well as a resource center specialist Sami Vesala and scientist Jouni Tulonen are the Monday and Tuesday during the collected in the aquarium house of the eels of different samples.

– This is still a really unique case, Jouni Tulonen said.

Cause unclear

Still can’t know for sure, why eel females become exceptionally sexually mature the aquarium in the pool.

– One factor may be the fact that this eel was quite old, already more than 40-year-old, and thus, the sex maturity final stage. It approaches inherent in this step, Tulonen said.

The eel was born in 1976 water in the lake, and it was brought to maretarium in the early 2000s.

Mätinsä maretarium in the pool decline in eel eyes was increased and the head flattened. The eel was bulged in the middle, and its tail was like dying. The archive image. Teemu Stops / Maretarium

the researchers are now wondering also, how the pool of conditions may have affected the fact that the fish decided mätinsä count. In the same water, there have been other Finnish species of fish, which their own cycle, are increased, the produced germ cells and dropped them into the water.

– Maybe there was something to pheromones, which may have affected also fucking eel, doesn’t. Old individuals may have been more sensitive to such influences than the younger.

absolute certainty is not, however, necessarily will ever get.

“Requires more research”

the Dutch Wageningen university is done eel, and in particular an increase in related research.

the researcher Arjan palst has booked a trip to Finland as soon as I heard Maretarium incident.

– in the Netherlands, this issue has been huge news researcher circles, palst has said.

Eel was taken, for example blood samples, which can be measured hormone concentrations. In addition to the gonads and their development was studied by ultrasound, like any pregnant species.

Inherently mature females no one has seen anything.

Sami Vesala

resource center according to the sampling was very comprehensive. Sami Vesala, according to the case is significant eel investigation. Eel basic biology is expert, still a lot of gaps.

We have this extremely endangered species, stocks of which have collapsed. Inherent in sexually mature females is not one seen anywhere. Only these laboratory conditions hormones sexual maturity placed on the fish is to see a specialist Sami Vesala said.

Roe production from eel introduced a lot of different samples. Maretarium / Sari Saukkonen

Kotka aquarium house the pool also has other sexual maturity of the eel with the same age and same batch of eels.

– we Expect that toisiintuuko this situation. Or give you samples for us tips about it, can we get a family of ripening time. In any case, this requires more research, Vesala said.

the Famous eel die

Mätinsä in September dropped an eel died in egg after lowering. The species is kerrankuteva.

Life cycle goes so, the task is completed in the egg stage after the calculation of the. All the shots used in it, Sami Vesala tell.

Roe is a researcher Jouni Tulosen according to the currently probably in the freezer. It did not happen in the egg count after anything.

– the Spawn was not fertilised, and it remained part of the fish. Was missing the appropriate stage of the male, which would have been ready to go out to play. If the remaining fish to someone showing the same signs, so get it maybe the groom to the scene. Thus can be obtained from living larvae early, Tulonen says.

in Many of the maretarium in the eel dam is observed in sexual maturity signs.Tiina Carp / Yle

Maretarium is currently about ten eels, who are apparently approaching sexual maturity.

Now we wait, will it last to trigger the reaction, and eels left to develop in the same way, as in September mätinsä fallen female. Now to see what happens, Jouni Tulonen said.

Sami vesala, according to the hopes that, someday, eels can be reproduce in the aquarium conditions.

It should be the ultimate goal. It could be the survival of the species in terms of significant, if find means, that that can be done in a controlled and repeatedly.

“Funny thing,”

Yet we cannot say with certainty how long the investigation will take time. Experts are unable to predict what maretarium was remaining, sexual maturity is approaching individuals is going to happen.

– it May be that some of them started to develop already in the next few months, next year or even ten years from now. It leaves monitoring to the degree of these eels is concerned, the researcher Jouni Tulonen said.

at the Same time the eel reproductive research continues elsewhere in the world. In finland, there is little to do.

– we Are the eel pääesiintymisalueille its somewhat far away, and we don’t have shots research. Is in itself interesting that the eels become sexually mature at just us. Exciting stuff all in all.

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