Today, there’s a Donald Trump mixed with a single Tweet, the world community is in turmoil, it is getting louder and louder, the futility, the temper in the own comfort of the cosmos complained about the media spectacle. The writer Botho Strauss is disgusted recognizable in front of the penetrance of the Popular and glorified “the unconnected” and the “Unstirred”, the lonely protagonists of an aesthetically educated Elite.

Others, such as the Swiss journalist Rolf Dobelli, are proud to announce that they consumed no news anymore. For almost ten years, so Dobelli, claims he can no longer attack already to Newspapers, do not watch TV more, listen to the Radio, not use the online portals. His book is a Bestseller.

when You look at these examples: The egocentric, the new simplicity differ in the justification of its action, but not in the direction of the solution search. Politically, they sing the praises of the separation, celebrate the radical individualism, the Distancing and isolation. The company is solely as a source of interference.

news consumer along Egorezepten

However, the media-critical escapism has a real cause. Since the Problem of quantity, the simple mass is: each year, two million books on the market, to be published 30 billion blog posts, and more than 180 billion Tweets. Since the Problem of quality, increasingly difficult to view what is wrong now, which source can be considered reputable. And there is the Problem of the plot relevance of news to the global media markets, finally, is: How can we – in an Effort to be a committed time cooperative – a clever mix of receptiveness and deferred assets to discover?

Who asks questions, recognizes the Dilemma that takes place between two poles. On the one hand, the committed concern for the world, the rates in the extreme case of a permanent disturbance, miss. On the other hand, the selection and dosage of the intake of information, which entails in turn that there is a danger in ignorance and indifference to crash. The Digital-to-Detox-Spiesser the present and the philosophers of anti-social solitude have it easy here. Do you deny that there is this Dilemma, because they organize their news consumption primary along Egorezepten.

All of the other it will help to train your awareness of this Dilemma with a keen sense for the just Reasonable and to wonder – in spite of the hardship that this means: Who is affected? What can I do? And what is the meaning of an event for the General public, humanity, or the fate of the earth?

Created: 28.10.2019, 19:41 PM