the starry sky staring down at the people will probably be pondered for ages, can some space be our own similar life. Or can we – we humans – sometime in the future to colonize another star orbiting the planet.

the Final answers should be still waiting, but after all, it’s interesting to consider, especially when the conversation involved in the fresh physics Nobel prize winners.

Swiss Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz showed over two decades ago, that the solar system outside our own star orbiting exoplanet data.

They have the answers.

Life found in the next few decades?

Professor Queloz consider alien life to the possibility last week in London in a speech. Speech reported in the New York Post. (you move to another service)

I can’t believe that we are the only living beings in the universe. The planets and stars is just too much, and the same chemistry applies everywhere, Queloz reflection.

– Chemical process, which gave birth to life, have to happen elsewhere, he added.

Nobel prize-winning astronomer Didier QuelozAndy Rain / EPA

Queloz assure the belief that alien life is detected for the next hundred years. In his opinion, it is realistic to think that already in the near decades.

the Key is Quelozin according to such a device for development, which is able to detect biochemical processes in the very far located in the target areas. He estimated that such a device will be available in three years in ten.

Interjection: It can already be found

Queloz is by no means the only researcher who rely on life outside the Country. One understanding is that it already has.

in Scientific American last week published (you move to another service) writing research Gilbert Levin presents, that the Nasa 1976 Mars sent two Viking probes found signs of life.

the probe of laskeutujat was in miniature laboratories, who are looking for soil samples for signs of life. Samples were added to the nitrogenous food, which was marked with a certain radioactive substance. The idea was that the nutrients in the emerging gas in could see the changes, if a living organism would take advantage of them.

Viking 2:no taking pictures of the Martian surface.NASA

the Changes are identified, but their slowed down, the researchers concluded that they would not have been sure signs of life on Mars.

the Research at that time led Levin to write now that thousands of reliable tests support a positive result. In addition, both laskeutujat miniature laboratories, the results were consistent, even though they are located thousands of miles away from each other.

despite Everything, Nasa is not moving to the position of the results.

Other planet too far away for people

Another recent nobel laureate, Michel Mayor, had in turn been underwritten for the news agency AFP:no (you move to another service)the question of space conquest.

the ability of the people ever to move to other stars orbiting eksoplaneetoille?

illustration of the exoplanet basis.AOP

Mayor’s response was unequivocal: never.

– These planets are just too far away.

Mayor says even in the optimistic case, a viable planet would be about maybe a few tens of light years at a distance – I mean in the cosmic neighborhood – it would take a trip there some considerable time: current techniques hundreds of millions of days.

the Same view is LiveScience-site interview by california professor Stephen Kane.

– well, the Sad truth is that human history in this stage, all stars are basically infinitely far away. Only the Moon is our species a big effort, he said.

Kane posits that humanity could reach Mars in the next 50 years, but already in Jupiter’s orbit at a distance from the next few years hundreds of within would be a surprise.

the Distance the nearest star is 70 000 times bigger than the distance of Jupiter, so all the stars are kane, according to the us practically inaccessible.

Mayor: is Considered a Country of concern

Mayor says he wants to fight absolutely crazy about the idea that we could just move to another viable planet, if life here becomes impossible.

Astrophysicist Michel Mayor, who discovered the first exoplanet, together with Didier Quelozin with.Javier Soriano / AFP

We have to take care of its own planet: it is very beautiful and still completely habitable, said the Mayor.

see also :

the Nobel prize in Physics of the universe and exoplanets research

Kari breed’s column: why didn’t the aliens have already played?

Perspective: according to the theory of life also in another place and in another time

are we alone in the universe?

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