ninth grade Niilo Mämmelä will scroll through the Kouvola main library DVD rack. Versatile film shelf in the stand in parallel so foreign award-winning works as a domestic classic.

in the Future Mämmelän no longer need to go to the library shelves, because now the film choice can browse and films to watch in a matter of seconds Kirjastokino-video through the service.

the toll-Free kirjastokino log in with a library card, after which the movies will be able to look at their own internet network connection. Movies are working as a computer, tablet or mobile phone cap.

Fresh reform surprise Niilo Mämmelän.

– I hadn’t previously heard of kirjastokinon from. The last time I borrowed from the library in the children’s film sometimes when I was younger. Now watching movies on Netflix.

kouvola the Niilo Mämmelä keep libraries sähköistyviä movie services a good reform.Antti-Jussi Korhonen / Yle

Mämmelä believes, at least he was testing the library’s free services.

it Sounds like a good. This could even use it. Maybe even begin to look at what Netflix found, but if the same film would be a library of kino in, so why a movie can’t be watched there.

See what kind of Kirjastokinon gallery displays many of the library service

the start-up phase kirjastokinon found in more than 500 movie and during the experiment, the content will be expanded and updated. Selection of can browse if they wish, comedy, horror, children’s movies or documentaries. Just the latest movies in the service is not.

– we want to expand our online selection to, inter alia, Finnish films with regard to, say, the city of Kouvola’s leading information specialists Tuomas Kunttu .

the first Kirjastokino-video service was introduced at the beginning of October. The service is already available from over 50 different libraries in different parts of Finland, including in Turku, Pori and Rauma. Kirjastokinon from the municipality to charge a monthly fee based on population, i.e. the whole service price varies by municipality.

Kirjastokinon in addition, part of the Finnish libraries have used similar movie service called Viddla. It is Kirjastokino slightly older service.

Viddla was introduced for the first time iron lamm library in 2017. Currently, the service has enabled a total 86 in the library, for example, in Oulu, Kuopio, Mikkeli and Lappeenranta.

Lappeenranta library e-resources equivalent to Paula Mäkelä according to the Viddlasta received feedbacks have been positive. Based on the feedback Mäkelä estimates that Viddla is to reach all ages of users.

– Praise has become ease of use, image quality, and movie selection, Mäkelä said.

“Many do not know how to think about”

in Lappeenranta Viddla was introduced in the beginning of the year. Film monthly viewing times are varied from 250 to 450’s.

Negative feedback Viddlasta has become very little. In some cases the service is not left to operate tablet, because the device operating system have been too old.

Viddlan film supply can browse Kirjastokinon way, the free area of the library card id.

Viddlalta are told that watching movies amounts have grown steadily. For example, in Kuopio Viddla was introduced in February 2018. Last year, during the Kuopio area libraries Viddlan through the movies was a total of more than 3 400 times.

Kirjastokino is used by more than 50 in the library.Antti-Jussi Korhonen

One of the viewing times Viddlan through to pay the library for three euros.

the Finnish library society executive director Peace Maarno believes that libraries are developing e-materials, including films, to grow further in future popularity.

Many do not know how to think about, that libraries offer such films to the streaming service. The number of users will rise for sure, Maarno said.

try using a half years

in Kymenlaakso kirjastokino the transition is part of the Ride-libraries e-resources update. Kirjastokino is the kymenlaakso in the initial experiment, which will be able to use next year in march until.

Today, the internet is full of a wide variety of movies streaming services, including movies offers a huge amount. Why the library will offer movies?

library act say that the library should offer the public the use of a variety of cultural products. Movies are cultural products where kirjallisuuskin, Kouvola library, leading information specialists Tuomas Kunttu says.

He adds, that the library’s mission is to bring cultural products available to all regardless of economic circumstances.

– watching movies contributed to develop also people of the image reading and media literacy. They are today the most important things, Kunttu continued.

Library to further books in the home

film services does not believe the future of cancer books in the library services. For example, Kouvola library of the year quote of about 75% books, 10% movies and 15% other.

Kunttu believes that although the films are now more available, book lending volume, this will not be affected.

library of movie services offer a free a wide variety of movies, including children’s movies. Petri Kivimäki/Yle

Movie quote figures you are still in Kouvola at a high level. Last years movies were borrowed from the library about 140 000 times. DVD movies quote the figures have been 10 per cent annual decline. Instead, the Blu-ray disc of borrowing has risen. Kuntun, according to the electronic service is intended to serve a wider audience.

– Shelf movies hardly the future either remain, Kunttu predict.

Interest in wake up

ninth grade Erika Liiri and Emilia Kielenniva are both borrowed earlier movies from the library, which, in their opinion, is the diverse movie selection.

Kirjastokinon service sounds interesting to them for renewal.

It sounds interesting. The last time I borrowed from the library in the Harry Potter movies, Kielenniva said.

kouvola for Emilia Kielenniva and Erika Liiri believe that could use the new Kirjastokino-video service. They had not previously heard of a library of electronic cinema services.Antti-Jussi Korhonen / Yle

Liiri keep Kirjastokino handy as.

If in the future the library of movies get online, so no need to come to the library to borrow.

the town of Kouvola in the library the new service has already received a good reception.

– seniors event in our this was a real hit, Kouvola library, leading information specialists Tuomas Kunttu says.

kouvola another pensioner Tarja Ala-Krekola is happy the new movie service. He quotes a lot of movies from the library and have a movie club member.

– Previously, I’ve watched very little movies from your computer, but now I’m starting to look at more, Ala-Krekola smiles.

Articles edited: 18.10.2019 12.15: Advanced Kouvola library loan of distribution.

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