the International climate panel, the IPCC today published a special report, which deals with the effects of climate change on the oceans, glaciers and lumiin.

the oceans are warming up and the polar regions and continental glaciers are melting at an accelerated pace, when the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases. You can read the report in detail in this article.

Already have been told that climate change will shorten in Southern Finland for the winter duration and longer rospuuttokeli games. Snowfall may decrease, but hank they do not accumulate, since the snow melt without a decent frosts.

the Climate warms in the north, the rest of the world faster and this reduces the life chances of, for example, the saimaa norpalla and ahmalta, who need to procreate lumipesiä.

Lapland wooded are and avopaljakoiden species disappear. The arctic fox is already rare, but also the other species threaten to disappear.

Warmer winters will also increase the damage to forests, when the ground does not freeze. Without a frost trees crashing more winter storms hit. Forest may also spread to new insect pests, of which there are already signs in southern Finland.

but What about what happens to our south and west surrounding the Baltic sea? The warming is observed, for example, the archipelago sea research institute of measurements in.

time series reveal a change

the Seili research station is measured seawater salinity and temperature already since 1967. Automatic measurement buoy (switch to another service) has been operating since 2006.

in a Long, decades duration in the time series of the sea a few tens of meters high, the surface water layer is observed to have changed.

– the salt content of Seawater has decreased by half per mille and at the same time, surface water temperature has risen about 1.5 degrees, the professor Jari Hänninen said.

This is in line with their predictions, according to which the Baltic sea region, freshwater runoff increases when the salinity decreases. At the same time, the surface water temperature is estimated to rise.

island sea measurements has been found in sea water warm up of 1.5 degrees. The black line describes the evolution of annual variations within.University of turku, Harri little fabric / Yle

the Baltic sea climate is governed by the North Atlantic climate conditions and developments there.

– All the water which the Baltic will become, arrive in the North Atlantic, Hänninen says.

evaporation of water through the sweet water migrates to the cloud with the Baltic sea region. There the water comes sateina down and ended up in the river through the ages the sea.

the north sea’s salty water from the Danish inlets of the Baltic sea, but this flow is reduced as the freshwater accumulation is more pronounced.

Leutojen winter seasons the rain will end up today, the faster the sea. Increased freshwater runoff, particularly during the winter has led to the fact that the Baltic sea water surface is in winter quite high.

This block of new salt pulse arrival through the Danish straits, as the salt pulse is a seasonal phenomenon and as a rule they hit the bottom of the sea strong winter storms in the dead of winter.

seili island in the north of the location of the automatic water quality monitoring station has been in operation since 2006. The buoy collects data on the quality of water, depth of stratification and the changes in the openwater season.Markku Sandell / Yle

in Such a situation, the salt pulse of the order arrived in the Baltic sea pääaltaaseen, which prevents oxygen-rich water entering the Baltic sea in the depths. Development began in the mid-1980s, around.

the Baltic sea deeps have suffered symptoms of hypoxia for a long time, and no change are visible. If the salt pulses has become, they are pushed deep in the nutrient rich water to the gulf of Finland.

Sea makeutuu, the load increases

in the Future, the Baltic sea is projected to continue to makeutuva of. Washed out to sea also more and more nutrients.

as a result, eutrophication increased and the bottom of the sea against the organic load and oxygen depletion, you multiply both deep and shallow waters.

Professor Jari Hänninen follow, when the student John sahlstedt was to raise the plankton samples in Airisto.Markku Sandell / Yle

global warming also accelerates sea water in biological processes, i.e. add to the eutrophication.

Intensified eutrophication increases primary production and subsequent use of organisms the number, which means according to researchers, the increased organic material load to the bottom of the sea.

the Organic, i.e. organic matter degrading bacteria action will consume oxygen. When this amount of material on the seabed is greater than the oxygen supply, birth anoxia. This stage will break down the bacteria change the sulfur bacteria, with the result of the action of the sea bottom began to emerge from the hydrogen sulfide.

the surface of the water make an ipo, as well as the rise in temperature increases the density differences in the ground near the water layer and the surface of the water between. This will enhance the effect of the density differences in temperature and especially salinity of the leap between the layers of the Baltic sea.

Stronger temperature stratification weakens pre-existing oxygen in the transition from the surface layer of the ship into the water. This creates anoxia especially in the archipelago sea in the shallow waters.

Herring the size of a small expressed, when the food situation will change.Monica Forssell / yleme on and its life changing

the Baltic sea is the arctic sea which has gone into a mess of fresh and salt water species. Sea makeutuessa salt-water species, such as herring, are at risk. Instead of freshwater species can better.

the sea of changes has already been observed in the archipelago sea research institute of plankton and herring, follow those.

Herring food situation has changed, while large copepods are lost. Fish length has decreased by a quarter compared to the 80s and the weight almost halved.

– Herring is probably the lost island mereltäkään, but in the future a large part of the herring catch will be perhaps to the southern Baltic sea, where the salt concentration is maintained higher, the archipelago sea research institute of the leading Jari Hänninen’s assessment.

the Finnish sea ice in the future even less.Timo Viitanen / AOPJäätalvet shorter

the Seili island located in the archipelago sea on a little Nagu kirkokylän north. Cell connection board takes about half an hour. Jari Hänninen remembers the ‘ 90s the winter, when the ice road down was able to drive the car seili’s.

Now you’ll often come only in February and already in march. Ice roads will be able to pass maybe a snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle, the car is not on the rocks anymore just get.

Jäätalvien decline affected the archipelago of moving and living life, but the bottom of the gulf coast sea water is not estimated to rise, even if ocean levels rise as the glaciers melted.

the ice age trail north gulf coast the soil rise and this will prevent sea water rise. But the end of the century the risk of flooding increases considerably in the Finnish south coast, such as lima’s science department report reveals (you move to another service). Especially in the southern Baltic sea coastal cities in fear of floods is increasing.

see also:

the Last five years been on this earth measurement history of the hottest

“the Warming accelerates the hurricanes – organizations prepare for disasters.” Experts answered questions Dorian’s teachings

the sea Ice may disappear in the future from the gulf of Finland, in the north, there is still hope – just some winter fishermen defy the stern of the sea the chill of the cold

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