Mezzo-soprano Essi Lanka is a screenwriter and as a soloist accompanied by Sofi Oksanen the novel was based on the novelty of opera in Baby Jane. He is also the opera reform to this would of Scale -the group’s artistic director.

the fact that Oksanen’s novel will be completed this year and the film that the opera was a coincidence, but in the background are the book deals with topics.

When the Opera Skaala’s production of Hunt Kelly suggested Baby Jane to the opera as the theme, we didn’t even know that it is going on also in the film. The topics what the novel deals with sexual minorities, mental illness and social exclusion through it – are the opera in the world some of the topics covered, tell Essi Lanka.

Symphonic computer music

Music novelty to the opera is concluded, inter alia, game music, previously known as the young composer Markus Tip who has studied at the Sibelius Academy music technology department.

He compose music on the computer, but using the symphony orchestra’s sound world. In the past he has made a particular game and film music. It is very neoromanttista, colorful music. Although we do nykyoopperaa, we don’t want it to be ultra modern to classic contemporary music.

Opera at this time of

Opera Scale -the aim of the group is not only to attract new audiences to opera, and also to develop the opera art.

– Still in the opera presented more than kolmestaa years old works. We want that opera could be reformed in an interesting and audience in an interesting way. To this day people have seen the performing arts in the area for all kinds of. Tavoitteem is that opera as an art form gathering dust in the old-fashioned format, but that could come this time.

Half of the seven -program interview there was talk also about why pet talk is like the talk or the opera singer Essi Lanka case, to sing. See the full programme on the Yle Arena:

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