When it comes to the climate , the arguments to the Large: From the “humanity” then, is the speech of a “We” to include all the Living and all the people who are still alive. At least as often, however, the arguments aim to the Small, where the “Individual” is to give, the responsible citizens, the turns in the tight spaces of his private existence in the course of things for the Better: thus, for example, that he air travel avoids, that he renounces the flesh and organic waste on the compost heap bears.

Now, while it is so that private decisions can be political, and there is nothing to be said against it, but driving much of this, with the train, rather than fly. In both cases, Large and Small, misses the line of reasoning, however, its subject matter. You turned something so Serious, Large and Dangerous, as climate change now, once, in a matter of ideology, and thus in a loud half-fictions.

Obviously, this transformation is in the reasoning in the Large. Because there is such a thing as “humanity”. It gives you in terms of your existence as a biological species, on their ability to reproduce, and on something as Abstract as time, cooperative. But humanity has thought, “” surely never had anything, let alone something decided. You will not do it in the future. She is completely unable to change their “behavior”, because it is not a subject.

fantasy of saving energy

Who to call “humanity”, to call for a climate policy change in the perception of all people, is aware of his powerlessness. He confronts her with a to the Imaginary directed Entscheidungswut, which has guaranteed no consequences, apart from the fact that the claim uses the Ford to the right and give him the satisfaction of better knowledge gained. The appeal to “humanity” is therefore a preferred Practice for politicians, who warn of the consequences of climate change, while you push it forward.

it is more Difficult, the argument in the Small knows make as an ideology to. Therefore, for example, For every passenger flying from Central Europe to Majorca, to be, roughly, about a hundred litres of kerosene burned. The amount appears to be very great, if you think you are, for example, in canisters filled. It appears, however, as the tiny, when measured at the global Oil consumption: The us military, the largest single energy consumer in the world, consumes 48 million litres of Oil per day, which is about as much as the whole of Sweden vernutzt in the same time.

moved The Policy appears in the debate on the reduction of climate change into Private.

all the proposals now circulating for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, however, it is never by the military in the speech. The Policy appears in the debate on the reduction of climate change into the Private moved, and during that appears, apparently, as a non-negotiable, are set to the fantasy of energy saving in the life of the Individual appears to be no boundaries.

the Extent to which the transformation of the Political into the Private one tends to be an ideological event, the arbitrariness of notice, with certain activities as the climate politically reprehensible, while others, no less “environmentally damaging” behaviours remain unchallenged. In some years, calculated Recently, two physicists at McMaster University in Montreal, will be the share of the digital communication in the formation of greenhouse gases have, is greater than the contribution of the total air traffic. The ecological balance sheet of disposable bags made of paper, not reckoned among the German nature conservation Association Nabu, is better than the balance of the corresponding bags made of plastic. With the cotton bag it look even worse.

It does not make much sense to mix in this Rage of the supposedly scientifically backed-up opinion, in which every owner of a opinion may be as right as he may have got it wrong. Fact, however, is that the Argue in the Small on the search for someone to blame is – and this is fundamentally different than a search for reasons.

dictation of a state of emergency

The Conviction that the ecological emergency is imminent, if he had not already occurred long ago, makes for a tighter attention of the environmentally responsible citizen in everyday life. It requires the transformation of environmental policy in a private behavior teaching, but preferably the neighbors and takes, more recently, kick-off: because the neighbor drives a car that is more than an ecologically responsible people are entitled to (if he is entitled to), the fact that he bypasses to be careless with plastic bags, the fact that he smokes, grills, or even too much Dirt makes.

well-understood: there are good reasons to avoid private as well as political, the Dirt as much as possible. The dictates of a state of emergency you don’t want to throw just as well, since the claim, the neighbors or your parents had to teach ecological rationality, fast radical. The more so, as the results of even the most responsible climate policy (if they were available) still have to wait long to be let. Maybe the assumption is correct that the ecologically disastrous conditions are already occurred, even if the science can’t prove it. But even if so, the rhetoric of a state of emergency for a potentially despotic conditions, precisely because those rules of behavior are arbitrary and poorly justified.

it is certainly True that many people who are looking to soothe your environmental Conscience, so that they interpret climate change as a primary moral claim on the private life, the worse future disasters are likely to experience. It is true, furthermore, that the probability to experience increases in the mass, the younger a person is. But it is also true that the transformation of a global political problem is an ideology of personal responsibility is the best guarantee that everything goes on as before: morally, but without words or concept. The debate will have to be political.

Created: 28.10.2019, 15:27 PM