The US military has attacked Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist militia IS, and it “brought down”, as US President Donald Trump confirmed on Sunday. In a brief battle, according to the speech were eliminated several IS fighters by American forces. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi tried to flee. He was last sat in a Tunnel, together with three of his children. As the American sleuths reached him, got blown up, the terrorist chief, and the children with a belt made of explosives in the air.

Baghdadi’s body had been mutilated thereby, and the Tunnel was collapsed, but the test results would have confirmed the “immediate, safe and positive” that it was in the dead to Baghdadi. “He was,” said Trump. The US President had followed the “incredible dedication” of the US units, it was like a movie.

The U.S. special forces had the Mission carried out in a “dangerous and risky night action” successfully. The flight to the hiding place of the IS-leader had been very dangerous. You had to fly with helicopters over areas that had been controlled by Russia or Turkey. This would have made the U.S. military the way but, even though the Mission was secret and could not provide information about the destination of the flight. Occasionally, shots were fired at the helicopter, Trump is expected, however, that the Individual were, “people who don’t like helicopters”.

“He died like a coward”

The US President has asked according to his information, since he took office, according to Baghdadi. It was one of his major goals have been. Trump emphasized again and again that the terror chief as a dog, is like died a coward, screaming, crying and whimpering. The world should know what have had the IS for a leader, he says, and how he had died. He had without hesitation ripped three of his children with death, and a man he had been.

In the U.S. had been injured troops, no one. Only one of the dogs was injured in the Explosion in the escape tunnel. The K-9 dog squad reached the IS-the leader, apparently, first of all, what this caused his explosive belt.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead: The IS the leader, in a Video, which was released in April 2019. Picture: Reuters

the women of Baghdadi have worn Trump, according to explosive belt, this would not have ignited, but they were already dead. The US forces had made some prisoners. The majority of IS fighters had been killed.

According to the description of the US presidents, eight US helicopters were involved in the operation. The special units were, therefore, about two hours in the property. Here you found important Material, also on the “future plans” of the IS.

Iraq should have helped

the commander of The Syrian Democratic forces (SDF), Maslum Abdi, wrote on Twitter, Baghdadi’s death was the result of five months of on-going intelligence cooperation. The IS chief had then been in a joint Operation killed.

The Iraqi intelligence service has informed the U.S.-led Anti-IS coalition the exact location of the IS-leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as a precondition for the US attack to be delivered. “We have continuously worked with the CIA and important information that the Iraqi state intelligence service over Baghdadi’s movement and his hiding place had,” said a representative of the secret service on Sunday, the Reuters news Agency.

“This operation was successful and ultimately led to the goal, to kill Baghdadi.” Clues to the whereabouts of the ISIS leader, one of a man and a woman from the closest environment of Baghdadis said the intelligence official. The two Iraqi nationals had earlier been taken prisoner. Your information would have led to a secret location in the desert in the West of Iraq. Then documents on Baghdadi’s whereabouts had been found.

Iran reacts reserved

Iran has been reticent reacts to the death of Bagdadis. “Just as with the death of (Osama) bin Laden, terrorism is not dried out could be, it means Bagdadis death is not the end of the IS”, said government spokesman Ali Rabiei on Sunday in Tehran.

The terrorism in the Region was primarily the result of the wrong policy in the middle East, particularly those in the United States. As long as it is not changed, will continue to be the groups like the IS, the speaker according to the Mehr news Agency.

One of the most wanted terrorists

the fate of the Iraqi man, she was there in the past, conflicting reports. Most recently, it was said circuits in safety, he thought in remote areas of his home country or Syria’s hidden. Already multi-Baghdadi had been declared dead.

From Turkish government circles it was reported that Baghdadi had only arrived 48 hours prior to the US use of the place where he was killed according to the Reports. The Turkish army was in advance about the attack in the Syrian province of Idlib informed.

With the from the US head money of $ 25 million has been Baghdadi one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. Last the IS was distributed in April, a Video with Baghdadi in which he threatened the West with attacks.

Details about the biography of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-appointed “Caliph Ibrahim”, are to be treated with caution. Often you can not verify. For a long time, hardly anyone knew that the head of the terrorist militia IS looks because there were only two photos of him.

a Few days after the proclamation of the Caliphate at the end of June 2014, he appeared completely surprisingly, in a mosque in the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul, where he delivered the Friday sermon. But then he showed up for a long time. Only in April – after the final decay of the IS-proclaimed Caliphate – he showed up a second Time in a Video. In the meantime the IS the isolated Audio messages of his leader’s widespread.

Of al-Qaeda to the IS

Baghdadi was born in 1971 in the Iraqi city of Samarra. At the University of Baghdad, he earned a degree in Islamic studies. After the overthrow of long-time ruler Saddam Hussein in 2003, he sat for a long time in a US prison in Iraq.

In 2010, Baghdadi took over the leadership of the Al-Qaeda offshoot in Iraq, which was then called “the Islamic state in Iraq”. Gradually, the group began to look to Syria to extend. In Baghdadi, broke with al-Qaida, because he did not want to accept the request of the leadership of the terrorist network, to be limited to Iraq.

With the proclamation of the Caliphate by the terrorist militia Islamic state. In order for the claim to unite all Muslims worldwide and lead to was associated. After the IS losing territory in Iraq and Syria. Officially, the IS was the case of his last retreat in the ostsyrischen Baghus as defeated.

a few months ago the US-led Anti-IS coalition but saw a report that should be between 14’000 and 18’000 IS-nationals in the former territory of the extremists between Syria and Iraq. Meanwhile, the IS offshoot in a number of countries are active. (anf/sda/reuters)

Created: 27.10.2019, 05:55 PM