The Numbers are impressive: Up to 1980, people were without vocational training are hardly more likely to be unemployed than those with completed vocational training or a University education. Then, the picture has changed radically. In 2000, eight percent of the Unskilled were unemployed, with the trained professionals it was only three percent. And the gap will open more.

anyone Who has not completed a course of professional, is but not only more likely to be unemployed, he also ends up faster in the social assistance. The Figures from the city of Zurich, show that Almost half of social assistance recipients has no training, even though the Unskilled workers represent 20 percent of the population.

scholarships for older workers

The city of Zurich’s social head Raphael Golta (SP) will in the future, start right here: “We must invest at an early stage in the vocational education and training – and before the people end up in social assistance.” This saves costs in the long term.

a new insight is not. New is the way but, like the city of Zurich in order to deal With an Expansion of the grant system. The Golta announced today in front of the media. Specifically, not only to persons who complete an initial training, subsistence grants may apply for, but also older workers and workers who undertake training to improve their professional qualifications in the future.

advice is of little use if the money is missing

there are good reasons for this, says Golta. Low-Skilled is not only the Knowledge of what training is appropriate for you, but also the money to pay for such, and to cover any loss of income, lack of often. “But if the funding for a training missing,” says Golta, “run the other measures such as career counselling into the Void.”

“If the funds for training are missing, run the other measures such as career counselling into the Void.” Raphael Golta,
the head of the social Department of the city of Zurich

the goal is to reach those threatened by unemployment under the arms, before you stand there without a Job, or even in the social assistance slipping. Reach the city wants. the Affected, among other things, in the career centers, but also by working directly with the business

The new rules for the scholarships is part of a whole package of Measures with the title “education strategy for the low-skilled”. This also includes training for social assistance recipients and a better accompaniment of the young people who cannot find an Apprenticeship or to fail in teaching threaten, among others.

Sounds easy, is hard work

For Skos-President Christoph among our clients in the city of Zurich plans are a “lighthouse project” in a world of work, in the Unskilled is less and less opportunities. Also the Skos itself has taken on the topic of: she launched together with the Swiss Association for continuing education (SVEB), a pilot project in ten small and medium-sized social services in the whole of Switzerland.

the goal is basic education and training for social assistance recipients to improve the end. “It sounds simple, but it is backbreaking work,” said among our clients today, in front of the media. Not least for financial reasons, but also because many social services are missing the Know-how. In addition, the cantons must adapt their scholarships in accordance with the rules.

Zurich is doing this already: 2021 new rules are to come into force, expand the circle of Beneficiaries, especially in the area of vocational education and training. To the city to grab zürcher plans, it will probably be 2022, because the municipal Council must approve the plans first. Golta expects start-up costs in the order of five million francs. He is convinced, however, that the investment is worth it. Also among our clients sees as. Across the country, he expects that up to 70’gutters 000 social assistance compensation and pensions, and a good third of the people Affected are of working age, their chances on the labour market “sustainably improve”.

Created: 28.10.2019, 16:45 PM