There are lots of ways to make studying at college more effective and easy. Think about using educational apps or getting help from reliable resources such as

But sometimes it is getting more challenging to cope with stress at college. For example, during the exams. If so, it is important to know how to fight nervous exhaustion during such periods — and here are some handy suggestions.

What Is Nervous Exhaustion and How It Impacts Students

Nervous exhaustion is not a medical term. It was used generously some time ago and can describe a variety of conditions, such as anxiety or depression.

Now medical professionals do not use the term nervous breakdown. Still, it is widely used to describe the overwhelming situation that disrupts the normal life of a person.

Also, symptoms of nervous exhaustion may sign that person do not a response to a stressful situation in a healthy way. If not treated, it can lead to more severe consequences, such as anxiety or even depression.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown are various and may include:

  • Mood swings.
  • Low energy levels.
  • Avoiding social contacts.

Studying at college may be overwhelming and challenging, so students have to pay extreme attention to mental health. It helps to catch signs of nervous exhaustion early and make sure it will not deteriorate in the future.


Suggestion 1: Keep Up With Study-Life Balance

We all have heard about work-life balance and its importance for a healthy living. But what about study-life balance? It is just as important as work-life balance and can be a real game-changer when it comes to reducing the stress at college.

Basically, study-life balance means to study well and show good academical results while still having a life outside of the college library. It might be helpful to think about studying at college as a full-time job. It generally requires 37-40 hours a week and so is studying at college!

Surely, sometimes it is tempting to pull an all-nighter — especially if the exams are coming. But it is possible to have a balance between study and life: the key here is to get familiar with time-management and prioritize tasks properly.

Moreover, there are lots of resources which help students to study more effectively in less time. Think about various educational apps, websites, communities — it is a great way to show solid academical results and still have a life.

Suggestion 2: Try Some Mindfulness Practices

What is mindfulness? This term has been around for a long time but many people still are not fully aware of what does it mean. In a nutshell, mindfulness is about being present in a moment, without paying attention to various distractive factors. Think about sounds, lights or even thoughts!

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help to treat various mental health conditions. The study, conducted at Boston University, has shown significant benefits of mindfulness-based interventions.

To be more precise, the study determined that mindfulness-based interventions (or MBI) were effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. If so, mindfulness can also be useful when it comes to fighting stress.


Moreover, it is suitable for everyone — including college students. There is no need to travel on the other side of the world for a meditation retreat or become a meditation guru.

There are different mindfulness practices. For instance, some coaches recommend to get up early in the morning and dedicate some time to meditation. It can be something as simple as sitting for a while in silence — and even that can make a difference when it comes to reducing stress.

Suggestion 3: Be Physically Active

Physical activity has lots of proven health benefits. It can boost energy, improve sleep and mood. It can even help to fight some health problems, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.

If so, physical activity is extremely beneficial not only for humans’ bodies but for their minds. It sounds like a perfect reason to include some sport in the schedule to fight stress while studying at college.

But what type of physical activity to choose? The answer here is simple — every student can choose something that he or she will enjoy doing on a regular basis.

For example:

  • Biking

It is not only helping to reduce stress and reduce the carbon footprint on the planet. Biking has lots of proven health benefits, so it may be wise to make it a part of a daily routine.

  • Yoga

Yoga has been around for a long time — and for a good reason. It is extremely beneficial for health overall and also helps to combat stress.

Students can also introduce the sport in their lives and become more social by joining a college sports club. It is a great way to expand horizons and make new friends while studying at college. All of it, in the long run, will help to reduce stress.

Final Words

Studying at college is an exciting life chapter which opens many opportunities in the future. But the studying process might be stressful from time to time due to work overload and trying to juggle studying with other responsibilities, such as part-time work. Moreover, studying at college is a major life change that can also lead to stress.

It is important for every student to be conscious of his or her mental health and pay attention to some worrying symptoms, such as lack of energy. When detecting early, it is possible to fight stress effectively and do not let it take a toll on personal and studying life.

There are many different ways of managing stress for students. Keeping up with a study-life balance, using mindfulness practices, even turning stress into a useful asset! The key here is to be conscious, explore different opportunities that help fight stress while studying and remembering that you are not alone.