Our homes can’t be complete without having a rug lying around. It improves the aesthetic appeal of our homes while adding elegance and a sense of touch. Nonetheless, as essential as rugs are, maintaining them can be a hustle, especially if it is a valuable rug.

Have you recently bought a valuable rug? Do you wish it serves you for the longest time possible while maintaining its beauty? Then here are tips on how you can care for a valuable rug.

1. Frequent Rotation

A precious rug should be rotated at least once every month. This is to ensure evenly distributed wear. Irrespective of where a rug is placed, it is prone to wear at a rapid rate, especially along high-traffic areas. This can be avoided by rotating the carpet frequently. If you have got the time to do so, you can even rotate it twice in a month. It all depends on how busy you are.

2. Keep It Away from Sunlight

If your valuable rug faces direct sunlight daily, you might consider covering your windows or any openings. Too much sunlight can make the rug lose its colour especially if it’s bright.

3. Regular Vacuum

At times we might get so busy that we forget to vacuum our rugs. But if you really care about your rug and wish to prolong its value, then you should vacuum it regularly. Frequent vacuuming prevents dirt from piling up on your rug. While vacuuming, be gentle to avoid tearing delicate fibres.

4. Clean Spots As Soon As Possible

One mistake that you should never do is see a stain and ignore it. As time goes by, the stain sinks deeper into the fibre and becomes harder to remove. Immediately you notice a spot, use a cleaning product such as vinegar to remove the stain instantly. If you spill coffee on your rug when going to work, not unless you are late. Kindly attempt to clean it.

5. Make Use of Padding

Padding doesn’t only make it comfortable for you to walk on your valuable rug, but it also keeps it stabilized. Padding also prevents the shrinking of rags.

6. Place It Strategically

This is similar to rotating only that it involves the placement of a rug somewhere with minimal traffic. The more the rug is stepped on, the shorter its ‘life’ becomes. If you want it to last long, we highly recommend that you place it strategically. For instance, you could put it in the middle of your living room. Keep your valuable rug off corridors and any high traffic areas such as kitchen pathways.

7. Wipe It Down Instead of Beating The Rug

Beating rugs has been the most conventional method of removing dust for decades. However, there is a better and more effective method. Wiping down rugs is gentler and is equally effective at removing dirt. Always use a cloth or sponge dampened with cold water when wiping rugs. Kindly avoid the use of bleaches that may remove the original colour of the rug.

Owning a valuable rug is prestigious. However, it comes at a price. You must offer it world-class care if you want it to retain its elegant look for longer. Use the above tips when caring for a valuable rug. You should also have your rug professionally washed once every year. Also, air it out often to prevent mould from growing.