Who is dumped in one of the world’s well-known Breweries from the staff rudely, does not need to be surprised. Even in dealing with the regulars, the waiters bring out the inside and the waiter quickly once instead of the Zuckerbrots the verbal whip. You told the people of Munich from the States in the time-honored halls, laughing, this just. It was just so in your city. The unfriendly treatment is no Surprise. It is said that Bavaria is the slope of the Grantln.

If, however, in the summer, the sun shines through the crowns of the chestnut trees on the countless beer gardens and all sitting outside, thaw out even the most morose in Munich. The inhabitants of the largest economic engine of Germany, say like Munich, the northernmost city of Italy is. With the Mediterranean Flair in the glockenbach quarter, or the gravelly Shores and the parks along the Isar river that even comes close. Given all of the cyclists, sun worshippers and river surfers, it quickly becomes clear: the life of Munich is hardly in the famous downtown area, but outside.

The best of Munich on a Velo

explore the Earlier of the Isar river that separated the Rich from the poor. Today, however, the city of the once-seedy East is developing rapidly. Directly behind the Ostbahnhof, to dumplings where factories once the potatoes have been processed, grows the newest creative quarter of the city. The Work area with the colored containers immediately catches the eye. Everything found in these Behemoths of sheet metal, place a hair salon for kids, a motorcycle shop, art studios, pubs, in front of barbecue stalls. Right behind it is the Werk3 protrudes in the height. A colossal orange building with space for offices, art, trade and entertainment. On the flat roof to graze sheep, bee city honey supply.

In the factory district will continue to be built diligently over 1000 affordable housing for 3000 people, will arise. Housing in Munich is a scarce resource, the city is growing per year 30’000 inhabitants.

southern Flair: The beach on the Isar river. Photo: Sigi Müller

In the Werk7 set up until the end of October a theatre. “The fabulous world of Amélie” is the second production that will be performed seven times per week – a German interpreted the piece in the intimate setting, the lives of the theatrics and the vocal power of the performers. One of them is Daniel Wagner of upper Bavaria. “For me, that means a home game and a special luxury,” he says. Because often the actor can’t choose the place of work and have to cross to travel through the country. As Stephan Bürgi. The Swiss lives in Berlin and is up in the fall in Munich on the stage. It was an exciting theatre, says Bürgi, because he could interact with the audience interaction.

The best of Munich on the bike to explore. Ideal for all that are in the Museum, the Prater island, or in the English garden on the way. Thousands flee in the summer in the huge green lung. To have a rest, or to swim in the Eisbach. The Isar also an unexpected side of Munich: the street art. The German spray scene was formed in the capital of Bavaria, and spread from here to the whole country.

One of the sizes is Loomit. In 1985, he versprayte at night with six other young people in a full train. At that time a novelty. Today, Loomit has dedicated to art. On walls and in many guided tours of his works and days of work are to be seen – often re-painted or smeared.

Munich was the best place in Germany, say many Locals. Self-confidence is not exactly small: football, beer, art and culture, nothing, what the city has to offer. In addition, some of the figures here is the top-selling and most important companies in the Republic of taxes. The Start-up density is greater. Companies such as BMW or Allianz put a lot of money in fresh ideas. Munich’s not even trying to reinvent itself, so it has already begun. No, the city wants to sell new: Modern, alternative, open to the world and color of Munich is supposed to be.

This was not always so: Once upon a time, the brown body of thought, spreading like a tumour over the whole of Germany was in the Braukellern. At the end of the war, allied bombs destroyed around 70 percent of the Bavarian metropolis. Paradoxically, most of the Nazi buildings remained intact. The surviving inhabitants also dumped the rubble of the ruins in a Meadow. Today, the hilly Olympic Park is there, the still futuristic-looking sports games of the 1972 site.

in Spite of the Transformation into a world city, the citizens of Munich have retained their down-to-earthness: you like to drink, and a lot of beer. More and more insiders to avoid the Breweries in the tourist center, has developed outside of the core is a fast-growing craft brewing scene. The Giesinger Bräu, the furor as an independent Munich-based brewery from the district of Giesing out of the market.

And suddenly, the Munich are no longer grumpy

But the boys are brewing not only beer: A guided Tour with Restaurant-and-Bar-Guide Amadeus Danesitz shows how creative new are Local. The Munich native is 58 years old and looks like the fatter Version of the actor Robert De Niro. “The night life is changing,” he says with a glass of local Pinot noir. “And there are so many new, great places.” Danesitz not only writes the guide, he lives his profession. Hardly a Bar, their staff does not know him. In rooms where once more than 150 years of Costumes were sold, is now the Bar Griabig, the German wines of any price class offers.

A couple of streets more young bootlegger turn in The Illusionist, the deep blue of Gin in a pink Gin and Tonic. A casual chat with them on top of the counter top. And all of a sudden, the Munich are no more sullen or closed, but very loosely Mediterranean.

The trip was supported by the Munich office of tourism

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Created: 23.08.2019, 15:22 PM