The collision of two glider pilots in Rufi, SG, is assumed to be on Friday evening got off lightly. One landed on a pine tree, the other on a Alp. Rescue workers groping for a long time the fate of the two pilots in the dark.

A citizen had reported prior to 19 at the emergency call centre of the cantonal police of St. Gallen, that he saw hanging in a forest in the area of the cable car Federiwald a paraglider from a tree. In addition, the police was immediately alerted the air rescue service (Rega), such as the cantonal police, writes, in a message from Saturday. This started a search of the flight, noting, however, that only a glider hung in the trees. People were not visible.

The two colleagues flew from Federispitz (in the foreground) in the direction of Schänis. Image: Google

Some time later, had reported a 24-year-old man at Rega, and given that he was the crashed glider pilot. According to his statements, he was flying with a colleague from the Federispitz in the direction of Schänis. In the air the two are in conflict, where his glider was ripped.

He had activated the reserve parachute, and finally landed on a fir tree. There, he was able to detach from the strap and on the ground climbing. Because the battery of his phone was empty, he set out on foot in the direction of the valley and the Rega informed.

Where his 22-year-old colleague was and whether or not this could possibly be crashed, remained for him, as well as for the rescue workers open in the first place. Calls to the mobile phone of the Missing persons remained unanswered. Additional search flights brought no success.

Finally, the second and also uninjured paraglider pilot has been driven by a passerby shortly after 21 o’clock to the operating forces. He was stated to be on an Alp landed. Because he lost in the collision in the air, his cell phone, he descended to the foot of the valley, where the Passer-by was to the rescue workers from hazards.


Created: 31.08.2019, at 23:14