Nicki Pedersen can look forward to a broken hand, broken ribs and a lot of other battles.

this is the sound of the assessment on the 42-year-old speedwaystjernes facebook page.

You can see the advert below.

Of the lookup, it appears also that Pedersen probably not release an operation in relation to the broken hand.

however, It is not completely mad with the experienced speedwaykører.

– Although he is in great pain, we got a little smile from him when we talked with him, says in the advertisement from the Pedersen camp.

In a Facebook-story later in the evening, writes the dane, that he has a collapsed lung, four fractured ribs and a broken hand. Ekstra Bladet on Monday morning tried to get a comment from Pedersen, but for now without luck.

the Crash happened during a race in the Polish PGE Extra League, which is considered one of the major speedway leagues in the world.

the Dane came to the wrong place, when he and australian Jack Keeps colliding in the first heat of a quarter-final.

This write-Västerviks-Tidningen.

the Media also writes that the 23-year-old Keeps be able to go relatively painlessly from the crash, while Nicki Pedersen had to be transported to the hospital.

Golf – 25. aug. 2019 – at. 08:05 Fans struck by lightning: – It sounded like a bomb