The Aichi Triennale includes dozens of exhibitions, Happenings, concerts and film screenings. “According to the freedom of expression” was planned as a “small exhibition in the exhibition”. They showed about twenty objects that could not be shown due to censorship or self-censorship in Japan so far.

This footage of Emperor Hirohito and a poem that keeps the Peace clause of the Japanese Constitution, high belonged to. He forbids Japan to maintain an army. The government has interpreted this paragraph, however, so often, that he allows, in the meantime, the war operations on the side of the United States. At each exhibit that explains why it censored or was withdrawn.

Now, the exhibition had to be closed due to the Statue of a young girl barefoot sitting waiting on a chair. On his left shoulder sits a little bird. Right beside her is an empty chair. “Statue of peace girl calls” the Korean images of Hauer pair of Kim Eun-sung and Kim Seo-kyung of the work. Cast In Bronze, the sculpture stands for the so-called comfort women, the Koreans who were deported during the Second world war as sex slaves in Japanese field brothels. In Aichi, a colored Version was shown, with a long black skirt and a beige blouse.

in Front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul had set up activists for years, such a Statue in Bronze, a second stands in front of Japan’s Consulate in Busan. The Japanese government has always protested against it; two years ago, Premier Shinzo pulled Abe, therefore, even the Ambassador. Abe had claimed, before he was in government, and has always been, the “comfort women” were a common prostitute, which would have part voluntarily and for the sake of money – in the Japanese Field brothels.

The Aichi Triennale was inaugurated on Thursday. On his tour, the mayor of Nagoya, Takashi Kawamura remained, before the young peaceful woman statue and said, you hurt the feelings of the Japanese. On Friday, the right-wing populist, demanded that she should be removed. So he freely gave them, as it were, to the witch-hunt. Some media in Japan are rushing against South Korea, when they wanted to justify the trade war of the government against the Seoul. On Saturday a man of the Statue, put a bag over the head. The Triennale’s management received numerous calls and e-Mails, a few threats with terror. Someone warned, he would smuggle in a can of gasoline in the exhibition, and the Statue on fire.

So he hit a sensitive nerve. Just three weeks ago a fire destroyed the founder with a plurality of gas canisters in a cartoon film Studio in Kyoto fire. 35 people were killed, among them the authors of popular movies. The Triennale decided on Saturday, the pressure of the nationalist Mobs to yield and to close the small exhibition “for security reasons”. The artistic Director Daisuke Tsuda apologized for the “bad example”, he’ll give it. The reactions were much worse than he can imagine have. Together with the Governor of Aichi, Hideaki Omura, he considered whether to get to the Show for some time to interrupt. “But the phones were not ringing stopped.”

Created: 07.08.2019, 10:48 PM