A family from Kent in the Uk do not use a subject of Spider-Man on their recently deceased son’s tombstone.

It is a matter of fact, after the family’s father for the sake of argument, asked Disney for permission to put a motif of the superhero on the gravestone.

Disney, which owns the rights to the Marvel universe, that includes Spider-Man, rejected the family’s request on the grounds that they want to keep their characters ‘magic.’

This writes the british media of the Metro.

the Boy named Ollie Jones, and died at the age of four years.

He lived with nervesygdommen leukodystrofi, which also was the reason why he died.

Ollie Jones died of the disease leukodystrofi, as his six-year-old elder sister also suffer from. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix / SWNS

Ollie Jones had always been in love with Spider-Man, and even his funeral was conducted with the Spider-Man theme.

Therefore, thought the family’s father, Lloyd Jones, to Spider-Man, of course, also should be on the tombstone – but it would prove not to be possible.

In an email from underholdningsgiganten rejected the use of Spider-Man on the tombstone, with the explanation that they would like to maintain the innocence and the magic about their grades.

instead, they suggested that they could send a picture from either a Spider-Man movie or cartoon, where there was a handwritten message to the late Ollie Jones.

– It had I not just counted on. I was sure they would give us permission to use it, says Ollies uncle Jason.

in Order to attempt to change Disney’s decision has now been created an online petition that at the time of writing has scored more than 13,000 signatures.

the Collection is set initiated by Ollies dad’s school friend Michael Farrow.

it Had managed to get Disney’s decision changed, have a local building company also offered to pay all expenses incurred in relation to the much talked about Spider-Man-tombstone.