Stunning is the word that comes to mind is, after the Bus has crossed the Llogara Pass, and the views of the wide Bay opens. Green-clad mountains fall steeply into the Ionian sea, which shimmers in the evening sun. The Bus stops at a viewing platform. A winding road leads from here down to Dhërmi.

although It is already evening, as the Bus turns into the small coastal village. A few men are on the beach but still at work. They build heavy tower speakers. The next day is here to start a techno festival, tells the bartender of the luxury hotels Splendor. The Festival is a sign of what is to be observed on the Albanian Riviera currently: the country in The southeastern Europe is turning into a Destination with international appeal.

No roads in sight

The way to get there is arduous. “Albania has to deal with prejudices,” says the historian and English teacher Raim Beluli, lives with his family in the capital, Tirana, and in addition to the business travelers accompanied. He’s not the Only one who wants to with prejudices. At the same time, he called the problems. In the nineties, it was uncontrolled to be built. Poverty remained a Problem. But then he comes to the hidden treasures of his native country. Among them are many of the tourist Highlights. Of Dhërmi, from March or a boat to secluded beaches can be after a one hour walk to discover. Roads lead not there.

Under the Communist leadership of dictator Enver Hoxha parts of the coastal military Department of the Spanish zone. Entries and Exits were limited. In the fifty years only the residents of sister States to be allowed to enter the country. In an old brochure of the travel Agency of the GDR can be read: “We expressly point out that these trips, no comfort can be expected. The beauty of the landscape, is the ideal sandy beach and the magnificence of the imposing mountain world need to be here for the participants is crucial.”

The castle of Ali Pasha fascinated Lord Byron

How close to contradictions between each other can, the Palace of the former Ottoman ruler, Ali Pasha. The construction of the early middle ages, is located directly next to the discarded U-boat-Tunnel. Prior to that, a barracks, to which the ravages of time is located. A dusty path along a small beach leads to the perfectly preserved castle, about which the English Poet Lord Byron in his letters on Albania had reported. The scent of sage and mint in the air. This impressive, with the documented culture plates vividly place is crowded in the off-season at all. It asks for how long.

On the seafront of the village of Himara further to the South, however, there is the Morning hustle and Bustle. Tourists set up under parasols in front of the cafes groups of men discuss. The section of the beach forms the centre of the small village, the fraying of the hills. It’s a city-image that is encountered in many places on the Riviera.

On the coast road neat, to the sea-built Restaurants that provide affordable fish or seafood to be found. The Restaurants are well maintained, the staff friendly and professional. Not only are they a proof that tourism has arrived in the Blue heart of Europe. The number of tourists has doubled in the last ten years. In certain regions of the tourism to the main has become a source of income. More than 100’000 people are working in this area. To recognize most clearly the mass tourism is in the Northern coastal town of Durrës. Here is one Hotel next to several kilometers. Not only guests from the neighboring countries of Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro bask in the sun here. New recreation seekers travel from Germany or Switzerland. The travel guide Lonely Planet named Albania, not coincidentally, the Top European Destination.

A vivid picture of the high cultures

determine only the Riviera is not. To be highlighted also the many well-preserved ancient settlements along the coast. One of the main attractions of Butrint. The municipality is located 20 kilometres South of the seaside resort of Saranda, and in view of distance to the Greek island of Corfu. In the on the list of the Unesco world heritage listed ruins of the city of the remains of Greek, Roman, Byzantine as well as Ottoman periods are superimposed. The temples, baths, or aqueducts to convey a vivid picture of the high cultures. Here, too, in the off-season, plenty of space for visitors.

The neighboring, in the steep slope, built in Saranda has grown from the coast, town to small town with about 40’000 inhabitants. Dozens of hotel blocks dominate the city, the presents from the castle hill Lekursi particularly impressive. On the bottom of the ruins of the castle walls is now a Restaurant and one of the better addresses in the locality. Since the Albanians earn, on average, 350 euros per month, it is prohibitively expensive. For Western European standards, the prices are moderate. As so often on the rocky Albanian Riviera also opens from here, the wide view over the sea. In the haze by early evening sun Corfu and Ksamil island and the Butrint lake, sleeping peacefully.

This trip was supported by ITS Coop Travel.

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Created: 29.06.2019, 17:45 PM