The heat wave is gone in the night with violent thunderstorms to end. They took 20’000 flashes, locally large amounts of rain and up to three inches of large hailstones, writes SRF Meteo. While it is flashed in the evening, especially in the cantons of Bern, Graubünden, Ticino, Vaud and Schwyz, and thundered, were from midnight until 7.00 am in front of all the cantons of Zurich, St. Gallen, Thurgau and Zug affected.

The severe weather cells moved to and from Zealand via the Mediterranean country to the East, the center was in the second half of the night in the North-East. With 60 millimetres of rain within an hour, there was at the Hörnli in the Canton of Zurich, most of the precipitation. It Cham ZG with 47 millimeters, Wädenswil, ZH, and Gersau SZ 46 millimeters, Zurich airport with 45 millimetres, Niederuzwil, SG, with 44 millimeters, and Grono GR with 43 millimetres consequences. In the Canton of Zurich, 7900 and in St. Gallen, 3000 lightning strikes were recorded.

The Zurich cantonal police reported about a dozen calls, among other things, because of flooded basements and underpasses, as well as broken Branches on the roads. Lightning strikes sparked, apparently, in a dozen cases alarm systems.

Meteocentrale had a stage in the night a severe weather warning Red for the Canton of Zurich in favour of it. Around 1.10 PM a Thunderstorm with the centre was registered about Stallikon. According to the notification, the Storm from the West came in and was moving with a speed of 35 km/h in an easterly direction. It brought hail, heavy rain and storms with high lightning activity. The following places were in the path of this storm: Zurich, Herrliberg, Meilen, Gossau ZH, and Hinwil.

heavy rain over Stäfa. Video: Tamedia

heavy rain has led to flooded also cellars in the Eastern part of Switzerland, as a spokesman for the police of the Canton of Thurgau and St. Gallen on Tuesday to request said. At half past one in the night the fire brigade had to move out in space Sirnach and to Kreuzlingen to a total of a dozen or so inserts, and after heavy rain flooded basements as possible. Further damage had not been registered.

In the Canton of St. Gallen, according to Canton police, five inserts in the regions of Heerbrugg, Switzerland, Flumserberg, Flawil, Switzerland, and Wil. The A1 motorway at the Wil had been flooded at 1 am in the Morning because of a jammed Creek for a short time. Police and the fire brigade had to clean up the highway. The individual cars had been damaged.

In the Canton of Aargau drew a Storm of Red from Wohlen with 43 km/h in an easterly direction and also brought hail, heavy rain and gusts of wind.

motorist remains in a flooded underpass

stuck told How the Zuger law enforcement agencies, was flooded in the train, the train under the leadership of the Chamer road, and therefore is locked by the police. A motorist took care of the driving ban and stayed with his car in the water. The car had to be towed away, the driver received by the police a fine.

Because of the storm were received between midnight and 3 a.m., around a dozen messages in the control center of the Zug police. Most of the calls originated from Zug, Steinhausen and Hünenberg, this is due to flooded basements, Laundry rooms, or the streets.

In Oberägeri, a lightning struck at 2.45 PM in a power distribution and caused a short circuit and a fire. The fire service Oberägeri I can delete these quickly shared with the Zuger law enforcement agencies.

Last Hitzetag in the North

The Monday Hitzetag widespread was, once again, with locally up to about 35 degrees. The warmest it has been in at 35.7 degrees at customs. For 15 cantons a severe weather warning went out: NW, SG, SH, LU, ZG, UR, AG, SZ, BE, OW, ZH, AI, TG, GL, and AR. In Central Switzerland, in the Grisons and in Ticino, there was in the evening already part of strong downpours and Thunderstorms. Locally there was also hail. In the cantons of Bern and Solothurn grains fell, with a diameter of up to three centimeters.

In Glarus measured wind gusts of up to 95 kilometers per hour, in Chur, 103 km/h and on the 2480 meters above sea level, Crap Masegn in the Canton of 123 km/h.

meteorologists expect today a slightly less hot day of around 26 degrees of Graubünden at all. Especially in the South and over the Alps must be expected in the afternoon and again in the evening with thunderstorms.


Created: 02.07.2019, 07:59 PM