Yesterday, the “Sunday newspaper reported” serious incidents in dealing with farm animals. Control your meetings on cows that are emaciated and sick, on pig carcasses located in the barn, or sheep, which vegetate without water in the scorching heat there. On a Zurich court, a farmer was dying 39 calves to bovine flu to provide without a medical.

It is well possible that there are many more farms, where animals are suffering, without the authorities noticing it. The official veterinarians are fully on the stop. “We are overloaded,” says the Bernese cantonal veterinarian Reto Wyss. He is of physicians, President of the Association of Swiss cantonal animal and the Canton of animal doctors. His staff would pile up enormous Overtime. “And yet, we have to prioritize and can not handle all the cases in a timely manner is very distressing.” There is a risk that you’ll be a little miss or to be late there.

place of a Veterinarian cut

“very little resources” also speaks of the Aargau Canton veterinarian Barbara Thür. The Federal government demand that the companies would be reviewed every four years. “But we can comply with this requirement only to 80 percent,” she says. From 600 Farms to be checked in Aargau, only 520 for all four years. “If the veterinary service receives information, we can’t move out always. We must weigh what we can afford and what is not,” says Thür. The policy is in the responsibility that the resources were sufficient, she adds. The Aargauer veterinary service in 2017, has been under SVP-councillor Franziska Roth the place of a veterinarian mined.

the Canton of vets actions in the East of Switzerland. Albert Fritsche from St. Gallen tells of his office, a mountain of Outstanding cases from around 500 to 600 follow-up from one year to the next train. And Paul veterinary officer says Funny in the Canton of Thurgau: “With a few people more, we might detect additional cases or to prevent it.” In its Canton operation in yeast hofen due to hungry horses and cows, two years ago, in the headlines.

Much effort is the increasing number of legal disputes with farmers cause. Increasingly, veterinary services, not only with farmers but also with their lawyers. And more and more control is suing your when you go to the farms, for trespassing, although in the animal law for the protection of the rights of Access by the enforcement authorities is enshrined. “The following lengthy procedures, and personal charges against the individual employees have a paralysing effect, and tie up resources, which are missing then for the necessary controls on site,” says the St. Galler cantonal veterinarian Fritsche.

On 10647 Swiss stations there were last year, so-called basic controls, for which animal protection is checked. The cantonal differences were enormous, and as the detailed statistics shows that this newspaper exists. In Geneva, Ticino and Appenzell Innerrhoden, were not inspected once every tenth of a yard. In Lucerne and the Canton of Thurgau, however, every third.

Whether or not the animals have no water, ankle-deep in feces are, purulent wounds or are starved, can control find, your, only, when you visit farms without prior notice. Also the hand have the cantons in different ways.

More complaints through unannounced inspections

Several of the cantons to comply with the statutory requirement that 10 percent of the checks have to be made unannounced to, just – the Canton of Schaffhausen is even including. A digitization project have absorbed the personnel, so you “could perform for a long time no unannounced controls,” says the Schaffhausen cantonal veterinarian Peter Uehlinger. You have missed the Minimum, however, cannot be nice to talk. “And when it comes to animal welfare you are caught Malefactors only, if you are surprised by the inspectors.”

In the Grisons, the auditors came in 98 percent of inspections without prior notification. The only way you can come up with serious flaws, says the graubünden cantonal veterinarian Giochen Bearth. “We have as a result of such inspections, significantly more complaints.”

The need for such surprise visits also shows the example of the Canton of Thurgau. In the last year, there were 741 controls, of which 431 unannounced, so more than every second. At the half, the auditors noted deficiencies, every tenth inspection led to criminal charges against the farmer at the Prosecutor’s office.

The Situation escalated to

“Unannounced inspections are extremely important, but you need very much staff,” says the Aargau Canton veterinarian Thür. Recently, two of your people were for a day on the road and wanted to take control of four pet owners – a single Person was present.

The Situation will get worse. The Federal Council has decided that the cantons are expected to do starting in may 2020, instead of 10 at least 40 per cent of the inspections unannounced. Michel Rérat, Vice-President of the Association of Cantonal veterinarians and the Canton of veterinary surgeons, says that this objective can be achieved without the need for additional staff in any case.


(editing Tamedia)

Created: 01.07.2019, 07:01 PM