After the US and the UK has also accused Saudi Arabia and Iran, of being behind the alleged attacks on two tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Iran did not respond to the diplomatic efforts of Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with the attack on two tankers, said the Saudi Arabian crown Prince Muhammad bin interview Salman in a Sunday newspaper. The crew of the Norwegian tanker “Front Altair” arrived meanwhile, in the United Arab Emirates.

On the “Front Altair” and the Japanese taksim escort Tanker “Kokuka Courageous” had taken place on Thursday morning in the Gulf of Oman explosions. At the same time, Japan’s Prime Minister Abe sought to Tehran to mediate in the conflict between Iran and the United States.

Washington and London accused Iran to have the two ships to be attacked. Tehran rejects the allegations. With the second incident of this kind within a month, the international concern is growing of an escalation in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia’s powerful crown Prince Mohammed assured in the Interview with the newspaper “Ashark al-Awsat” that his country wants “no war in the Region”. The Riad but I will not “hesitate”, against “any threat to our people, our sovereignty, our territorial integrity and our core interests” to proceed.

Iran is said to have summoned on Saturday the British Ambassador Rob Macaire to the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Tehran. Reason incorrect” statements by the British foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, to the attack on the tankers were, according to the Ministry “. Hunt had previously stated, in the opinion of his government in Tehran with “a probability bordering on certainty put” behind the attacks.

The British Ambassador in Tehran has rejected the Iranian reports that he had been summoned by the foreign Ministry. “That’s interesting. And to me,” wrote Rob Macaire on Sunday on Twitter. Rather, he had sought an urgent Meeting in the Ministry of foreign Affairs succeeded the it had been granted. “No “subpoena,””, wrote the Diplomat.

Iraq warns of rise of the IS

According to the Norwegian shipping company Frontline the 23 crew flew members of the “Front-Altair” from the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas on Saturday to Dubai. It go you all well and you had been treated in Iran, well, it was called.

Both ships participated in the Saturday course on the United Arab Emirates. The “Kokuka Courageous” to create according to the Japanese shipping company Kokuka in Fujairah or choir Fakkan. According to a report by the Iranian news Agency Isna, the “Front Altair is on his way there”. According to information from the shipping company, the Tanker was towed in the meantime, from the Iranian territorial waters.

The incidents in the Gulf of Oman occurred a month after the alleged acts of sabotage against four ships off the coast of the Emirates. In these cases, the United States and Saudi Arabia made Iran responsible. The US had previously reinforced their troops in the Gulf region, with reference to an alleged threat by Iran massively.

Iraq warned that the current escalation between the U.S. and Iran could lead to the rise of the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS). “Should it really come to hostilities in the Gulf, we fear a chain reaction in Iraq,” said Laith Kubba, special adviser to the Iraqi Prime Minister, the newspaper “world on Sunday”.

such A Situation could lead to the fact that the militias of various religious attacked in Iraq to the weapons, gave Kubba to bear in mind. An Escalation of violence would also have a rise of of the IS the consequence. “These terrorists are constantly there, where the state is weaker and the Chaos grows.”

Video to show Iranian attack on tankers prove The United States released a Video of the alleged debt of Iran with the bombing of two oil Tanker. (Video: Tamedia) (sep/sda/afp)

Created: 16.06.2019, 09:47 PM