The rate of unemployment in Switzerland was formed in may, the fifth month in a row back. Drivers for the improvement in the labour market is a strong seasonal effect, however, was: In the construction industry and other seasonal industries, more labour was needed.

The unemployment rate fell in may to 2.3 percent from 2.4 percent in April, as Friday, according to Figures released by the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco) show. So 5.5 per cent, fewer persons unemployed than in the previous month, and 7.3 percent less than a year ago.

The Seco published Figures are not a Surprise: The Reuters surveyed Economists had expected, with values in this order of magnitude.


The decline in unemployment is almost exclusively due to seasonal effects. The economy had done in may for the second month in a row, hardly a contribution, said Boris Zürcher, head of the labour uşak escort Directorate at Seco, in a conference call. Also, if the since the beginning of the year continued had continued positive development on the labour market, the Seco now has a “floor” is reached.

“The labour market has resulted in a sideways movement and reflects the normalisation of economic activity”, said Zürcher. This does not exclude the possibility that the unemployment rate decreases in June, a further tenth to 2.2 percent. “But then, the season effect is turning,” said Zürcher.

Usually, the unemployment rate reached in January, respectively, their maximum – if there is to do, especially in the construction and catering less and decreases from then on until the middle of the year.

construction is booming

In may 2019, the unemployment in the construction industry was also “very significantly” declined, said Zürcher. Accordingly, the unemployment recorded in the case of foreign persons of a substantial decrease, where the rate was 4.1 per cent to 4.4 per cent in April.

Since foreigners are übervertreten in seasonal industries, clearly, is the typical pattern, said Zürcher. The unemployment rate for Swiss citizens decreased by 0.1 to 1.6 percent.

For the full year in 2019, expect the Seco continue with an average unemployment rate of 2.4 percent, as Zurich said. Thereafter, the unemployment rate in the year is expected to increase over the medium to 2020, slightly to 2.6 percent.

The good development on the labour market that emerges from all age groups: The unemployment rate of young people aged 15 to 24 years declined in may by 0.1 percentage points to 1.8 percent. Similarly positive, the unemployment figures have developed in people aged 50 years and above. Here the unemployment rate is also 0.1 percent lower at 2.2 percent.

Thus, according to Seco, 29 percent of all unemployed are over 50 years old. Of time every fourth Person long unemployed. As a long-term unemployed applies, who applies for more than one year unemployment benefits.

certain calculations

Switzerland is likely to leave on the first view of their European neighbors green with envy. However, the Seco-quota does not work with the international Numbers to compare, it is charged, however, quite different. For the international comparison, the Swiss Federal statistical office (FSO) collected employment rate is better.

According to the ILO standards, however, each Person is counted as unemployed, which is permanently resident in Switzerland, has no work, in search of a job and in the short term, such a body could take. Seco expects, however, only those unemployed who are registered at a Regional employment centre (RAV).

The unemployment rate is usually higher than the unemployment rate. The share of the unemployed in the labour force in the first quarter of 2019 at 4.9 per cent compared to the fourth quarter of 2018 of 0.3 percentage points higher. (Dec/sda)

Created: 07.06.2019, 09:03 PM