Vladimir Putin has threatened to let the arms control Treaty, New Start to leak. The agreement on the control of nuclear offensive weapons was the last Instrument that restricts an atomic Upgrade, he said on Thursday on the sidelines of the International economic forum in St. Petersburg.

The agreement expires in 2021. It should not be extended, “there will be no instruments, which restrict the arms race”. He’s surprised that the whole world is watching idly and silently, as the achievements of the past would be jeopardised, said the Kremlin chief. If no one is interested in the extension of the between the United States and Russia concluded an agreement, then it will not be the country he said. “We have already said a hundred Times that we are ready, but no one negotiated with us.”

At the same time, the Russian head of state assured that his country is prepared for a possible end to the New Start agreement. Currently, a new weapons generation would be developed, with the help of Russia’s security be guaranteed in the long term. In the area of supersonic weapons Russia have overtaken the competitors, in the meantime, even, assured Putin.

The then-US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed the New Start Pact in 2010. He sees the Nuclear Arsenal to 800 delivery systems and 1550 deployed nuclear warheads ready to reduce.

“Would that be normal or not?”

Putin said in the former Tsar city to Venezuela. He described the West’s support for the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as “crazy”. The Russian President said he wanted the Western supporters Guaidós like to ask: “have you lost your mind? You understand, where will that go? There should be rules or not?”

In Venezuela rages on for months, a power struggle between President Nicolás Maduro and the opposition to the President of Parliament Guaidó. Guaidó was appointed in January, even as President, and was recognized by more than 50 countries, including Germany and the United States. The left nationalist Maduro can count on the support of Russia, China and Cuba.

Putin referred to Guaidó as “sympathetic”. “But if we accept his way, to come to Power – a man goes to a place, look up to the sky and declared before God to be President – that would be normal or not?” added the Russian President. “Well, then the world will sink into Chaos.”

New Chapter with London?

Putin is aiming for 15 months after the poison attack on the Russian Ex-double agent Sergei Skripal in the UK to improve the strained relations with London. It is the “need to finally begin a new Chapter insist,” said he lin, St. Petersburg and more. Global challenges in economic and social area, as well as security questions “more important than the games of secret services”.

Putin relies in particular on the place to be, the successor of the outgoing British Prime Minister, Theresa May. The future Premier should take into account in its foreign policy stance toward Moscow in particular, “the interests of the 600 British companies working in Russia”.

once Again, Putin’s accusations rejected, the Russian secret service put behind the poison attack on Skripal in March 2018. Skripal was not a “Russian spy”, – said Putin. “It was not we have spies in you. It is your Agent, not ours. This means that you have been spying on us.”


Created: 06.06.2019, 21:36 PM