Since the Federal Republic of Germany, was formed by Christian Democrats and social Democrats in the political center. As a “people’s parties” – ruled Germany, first alternately, from 2005 onwards, mostly together. This dominance is now coming to an end. At the Transition of the SPD-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to Angela Merkel, 70 percent of the CDU, the CSU, or the SPD chose still . 14 years later, in the European elections, that figure was 45 percent. And in the neustenARD survey, when the Greens overtake with 26 percent for the first time, the Union shrinks, the proportion further,to 37 percent.

the decline of Angela Merkel is not to blame, as many believe in the SPD (and the Union), but a social process that has resolved the environment, the embodied Social – and Christian Democrats, historically: the the old industrial society and of the Christian bourgeoisie. The political model of organization of the “people’s party” approaches, even to the end: The digital-individualistic society can fit with the “One Size fits all”concepts, nothing more-catch. The click-through democracy demands the exact “My party”solutions, no matter how small or government is capable of these may be at the end.

The SPD, the Union goes ahead in this development. With 15 per cent, it has lost the Status of the “people’s party”. 15 percent for a normal party a success. The SPD, however, in its former Size and 150 years of history, fond of, fear for their existence.

Emotionally would be the escape of the SPD from the responsibility, while understandable, in a strategic but risky.

if you Listen to when Enjoyed in accordance with the reasons for the decline, then schröder’s called social reforms as the “original sin”. You would have halved the unemployment, however, were by many workers as a “betrayal” felt. In addition, Merkel had crushed the SPD in the middle, and socio-political cannibalization. Shock proof: she had been in the U.S. for the introduction of the minimum wage to be celebrated – it is, however, without the SPD do not have to be given! In short: The party had worn in the years of the Power of participation and must renew now in the Opposition, to to.

After the fall of Andrea Nahles, the main advocate of the coalition, is pushing for the SPD, now the powerful from the government – and to the left. The fear of new elections, however, loses much of its horror, because many of the Comrades believe that the SPD had nothing to lose greenshoe. This could prove to be a mistake.

Emotionally, would be the escape from the responsibility easy to understand, politically, and perhaps inevitable, in a strategic but risky, if not blind. Who gives up out of exhaustion or frustration, adopted from the old self-understanding, to want to actually, always to rule and to be able to. The Opposition may be for the SPD just a place of longing – a place of success, it was rarely, if ever. Example, in 2013, returned to the SPD after four years of interruption in Merkel’s government, is neither renewed nor successfully.

Where the SPD is pushing, is already a party

“on the left” the other is longing for the word of the hour. So how Green were the Systemfragein of the climate policy,the SPD now had the system issue in the economic and social policy, my many. Has not demonstrated Kevin Kühnert, young darling of all neo-socialist dreamers of the day, how you can get the SPD with radical tones, a more attractive profile? And have shown Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, and Bernie Sanders in the U.S. that might be the future of social democracy is?

The problem with this analysis to begin with emphasizes critical of capitalism, the Left has lost at the European elections, almost everywhere, be it in France, Spain or Greece. The troubled youth is the sense of not currently after a storm on the banks, but to the climate of the demos. According to Green instead of Red.

Even worse, the left party is that, in Germany, where the SPD is pushing a party: namely, not at random from the Opposition against schröder’s pragmatism emerged. The Left can outbid any socio-political Neo-radicalism of the SPD and thus limits their Expansion to the left. In addition, the party offers a good object lesson, in which cul-de-SAC left one doctrine leads to: What causes the left party in all the years of Opposition actually entwickeltund? The answer is: almost nothing.

looks up the SPD in ever more radical policy of Redistribution of your healing, it threatens to be a pure clientele party for the socially Weak.

the SPD and the left party come The closer, the more the pragmatic, which had become Green benefit. Already, they are increasingly representing the moderate left-wing neo-bourgeois middle class, not the SPD. The Comrades are increasingly crowding to the left, accelerated this development and the Green could replace the SPD as the largest party in the left-hand bearing. This is all the more likely that you poach the Union, hundreds of thousands of liberal voters. That the Ecology could lose as a topic soon again, on the Union and the SPD should not hope for better: The Problem is in the next few years rather than decrease.

Searches the SPD in more and more radical Social and redistributive policies, their salvation, it threatens to be a pure clientele party for the socially Weak. Your voters potential would limit the comparison to today, once again, dramatically: marginalised groups and those in precarious working immigrants would be for such a policy, although perhaps to be thankful – but they are electric oral seen a small group, the selects also likely to be unreliable (or even not allowed to choose).

Whether it would like the SPD in this niche? Whether you feel as a Junior partner, the Greens, eye-to-eye with the left party in the government would be better because as a “social Conscience” of the Union? One may doubt it.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.06.2019, 19:05 PM