The EU calls on Germany tougher rules for the use of fertilizers. However, the environment and the Ministry of agriculture are not in agreement. Before today’s summit has turned the Chancellor’s office.

Many parties Involved, it stinks already to the sky: the fertilisers regulation and the difficult search for compromises to your aggravation. Once again, representatives from the agricultural and environmental ministries of the Federal government, länder and associations, and parliamentarians in Berlin come together to discuss solution proposals. It is the second Meeting within a few weeks.

The EU calls on Germany tougher rules for the use of fertilizers.

Brussels urges

Brussels, urging the EU Commission insists: “We expect the rapid and full implementation of the nitrates Directive, with the aim to reduce further pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources – at the expense of citizens and the environment and to prevent.”

Recently, in mid-may, an urgent letter from Brussels to the two competent departments of the Federal government, agriculture and the environment, to act at last. However, both of these ministries come together on this issue for a Long time already not more and especially not. Are you looking for a compromise with each other and with the countries.

final round

In the run-up to this round, which should now be from the point of view of the two ministries last, there seems to be no agreement. From a joint letter from both ministries to the EU Commission, there is apparently still doubt the success of the present meeting.

next Tuesday, so it is in Writing, available to the ARD-capital Studio, “will be at the invitation of the Chancellery, if necessary, are still open points together with the Federal environment Ministry and the Ministry of agriculture clarified.”

Chancellery wants. acceleration

The German proposal should be immediately transmitted after this date, the EU-Commission The Chancellor’s office seems to want the eternal debate accelerate. A Statement from Angela Merkel this week to fit at least: “Germany has for years tried to find ways out. We must act now,” she said. I of course also have an impact on certain forms of agriculture, as well as on the intensive rearing of animals. “But I think that this is simply not necessary. And also the every day more clear.”

in a leading role for the implementation of the fertilizer Ordinance, the Ministry of agriculture. Svenja Schulze (SPD) provides, therefore, Julia Klöckner (CDU) in the responsibility and made this week once more pressure on your Ministerial colleague: “I don’t want to hide the fact that I have a beherzteres procedure of the state Ministry of economic Affairs in addressing the deficiencies in the German fertilizer would like to have a choice really,” said the Minister for the environment in Berlin.

Klöckner calls for practicality

Klöckner calls in the sense of the farmers for practicality and your Ministry refers to the complexity of the process: “The countries are, together with the Federal government, the responsibility for the implementation of the EU nitrate Directive. Therefore, it is essential that Federal and state environmental and agricultural side to the vote together, the concrete solution suggestions, which we have to.”

The Bundesrat has to agree to at the end of the tightening of the fertilizer regulation. The main point of contention in the debate is a controversial flat-rate 20 per cent reduction in the fertilizing of the fields. For the past six years, the infringement procedure of the EU against Germany due to Non-compliance with the EU nitrate Directive.

Are not in agreement: Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner …

… and environment Minister, Svenja Schulze.

time is of the essence

The EU had sued Germany in 2016 due to high nitrate values in the groundwater before the European court of justice and 2018 right. Shortly before that, in 2017, Germany had tightened its fertilizer rules for farmers.

The tightening of the EU Commission, however, they are not ambitious enough, it said. Germany must now repair. The Federal government, the EU should send to the Commission by the end of March additional suggestions. This has not happened but. Time is of the essence, because there is a high criminal threatening payments from Brussels.

the EU fertilisers regulation: the manure, 05.04.2019 news Atlas |Germany |Berlin
