An Israeli village on the Golan heights will be named after U.S. President Trump. Ten residents live there – but the government has big plans for the place.

At first glance, the village, to be named after Donald Trump acts, empty of people. A few cats walk on narrow paths. The Grass is high-grown and already, which haven’t been cut. On the basketball court next to the village has probably played for years, no one more. The basketball hoops are rusted and bent. In the Background of the Hermon, the highest mountain in the Golan heights.

In Bruchim, so the village is called at the Moment, life is only about ten residents. But soon the village will be renovated and expanded. From Bruchim should “be Neve Trump”. Maybe “Ramat Trump”, what means in English something like “Trump-height”.

house in Bruchim: The site promises a lot of renaming.

“were moving All the Israelis,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a month ago on the Golan heights.

“President Trump has recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan heights. A historic decision. Therefore, our government is planning a Resolution, according to a new community on the Golan is to be created. Named after President Donald J. Trump.”

52 years Ago, conquered Israel, the Golan heights from Syria. 38 years ago it annexed the territory – what the United Nations acknowledged never. Under international law the Golan heights belong to Syria. With this international consensus, Trump has been broken now.