In Italy the rights Lega of the Minister of the interior, but apparently the strongest force. According to forecasts, she reached between 27 and 31 percent of the vote. The coalition partners Cinquestelle lost votes.
He is the dominant political figure in Italy, and now his party has become, apparently, for the first time, the strongest force: The rights Lega interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, according to forecasts of the European elections. She reached between 27 and 31 percent of the vote, as post-election interviews for the station Rai after the closure of polling stations showed. It is the best result, the driver with the Lega on the European and national level.
Massive losses must accept, therefore, the populist Five-star movement, the coalition partner of the Lega: you came according to the forecasts, only between 18.5 and 22.5 per cent – and put it in third place behind the social democratic PD. The stars had lost in the past few months, on consent. If confirmed, could affect the result of the Italian government coalition.
The social-democratic PD was between 21 and 25 percent and was thus above expectations.
a question mark behind group plans
the result of the vote in Italy was eagerly awaited, as Salvini, a European rights and against the EU in present Form is in position to bring. The expectations to make his new “European Alliance of peoples and Nations” to the largest group, and is not expected to meet, however. Observers assume that Salvini’s success to the for one year the existing government with the populist Cinque (Five star movement) could impact, the Lega is currently the Junior partner.
In the 2014 European elections in the North, rooted Lega had won only 6.2 percent. In the parliamentary election last year, she came to a little more than 17 percent.
The Forza Italia of Ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi landed in the forecast to between 8 and 12 percent. The right national party, Fratelli d’italia is located according to the forecast at 5 percent to 7 percent. Called 51 million voters, the turnout was slightly higher than 2014 – at 19.00 it was 43,84 percent.
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